Beautiful flowers in a flower shop.

in OCD4 years ago

Beautiful flowers in a flower shop.
Not so long ago, my friend and I went to choose flowers for a gift, as we again found ourselves in a flower shop. And again I help to choose flowers, only this time for a friend's sister. We went to the same store because we liked the flowers here and there is a very good seller who will tell and show everything.

For example, how to care for fresh flowers that grow in pots, what fertilizer to fertilize, how and when to water, when to transplant, and so on. And she also tells what needs to be done so that the bouquet of flowers would last longer, for example, put ice cubes in a vase with a bouquet of flowers, you need to change the water every day so that the water does not stagnate and so that an unpleasant smell does not appear due to water, you can also cut off the tip of the stem in a centimeter, so we remove the tip that is already missing.

When we remove the missing tip of the stem then the slower the stem will disappear. Here is such a good store where they will help you choose flowers and tell you how to care for them.