Hello dear friends, today I will be talking about these beautiful, natural landscapes which I have been photographing, I like to visit the rivers and lagoons of our beautiful Guarico state, this time I visit a nearby lagoon and capture this beautiful place, it is so due to the In the strong and drying summer, sometimes they can run out of water and the ground will crack.
During the drought, some fish look for a way to survive in this difficult climate, they hunt until they bury themselves and enter a survival mode only waiting for the new rains that will fall within a few months.
Hola queridos amigos, hoy les estare hablando de estos bellos paisajes, naturales los cuales vengo fotografiando, me gusta visitar los rios y lagunas de nuestro bello estado guarico, en esta ocasion visite una laguna cercana y capture este bello lugar, se encuentra asi debido al fuerte verano y que se esta secando, algunas veces puede quedar sin agua y la tierra se agrieta.
Durante la sequia algunos peces buscan la manera de sobrevivir en este clima tan dificil, van cabando hasta enterrarse y entrar en un modo de supervivencia solo a espera de las nuevas lluvias que caeran dentro de unos meses.
Through this photograph we can see how the earth is cracking little by little, sometimes it is usually a bit difficult for the animals that live with the water that is stored in that place, some lose their vaida for this phenomenon that will occupy once a year .
The weeds are still green in the distance, but it won't last long, it's just a matter of days and the change will be incredible.
Mediante esta fotografia podemos observar como la tierra se va agrietando poco a poco, a veces suele ser un poco dificil para los animales que viven con el agua que se almacena en ese lugar, algunos pierden la vaida para este fenomeno que ocuarre una ves al año.
Todavia la maleza se mantiene verde a lo lejos, pero no durara mucho, solo es cuestion de que pasen los dias y el cambio sera increible.
Every person who has a land or farm must have a nearby lagoon or a river, in order to supply plants and animals, also must take measures for when summer arrives, maintaining the reserve of grass and making channels or wells of water that would be of great help.
My father owns a small lagoon in which he has invested a lot of time, effort and money, and it has lasted a little longer, but as summer has just entered, it is not known how long it lasts.
Toda persona que tenga un terreno o finca debe poseer una laguna cerca o un rio, para poder abastecer las plantas y animales, ademas debe tomar medidas para cuando llegue el verano, manteniendo reserva de pasto y realizando canales o pozos de agua que seria de gran ayuda.
Mi padre posee una pequeña laguna a la cual le ha invertido mucho tiempo, esfuerzo y dinero,y esta ha durado un poco mas, pero como el verano recien entra no se sabe hasta cuanto mas dure.
In this photograph we can see the tracks of the cows that have drunk from the lagoon and as some birds tend to do the same, I have found several insects that are usually a bit annoying, such as flies and mosquitoes.
I have also come across small freshwater crabs, it is hard to believe but if they exist, they are white and smaller, and they are always on the shore looking for carrion or any fish that approaches.
These pictures were taken from a blu studio pro phone.
I hope the post is to your liking, greetings and blessings.
En esta fotografia podemos ver las huellas de las vacas que han bebido de la laguna y como algunas aves suelen hacer lo mismo, me he encontado con varios insectos que suelen ser un poco molestos como las moscas y mosquitos.
Tambien me he topado con pequeños cangrejos de agua dulce, es dificil de creer pero si existen, ellos son de color blanco y mas pequeños, y siempre estan en la orilla en busca de carroña o algun pez que se acerce.
Estas fotografias fueron tomadas de un telefono blu studio pro.
Espero que el post, les sea de su agrado, saludos y bendiciones.
Hello @eliezerdiaz21! I love looking at natural landscapes. Nature’s beauty is always fun to capture.
I have nominated your post for an OCD Curation.
We would prefer it if you could post your nature photography in the Amazing Nature Community.
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You are welcome to cross-post your posts from that community onto OCD with the peakd.com feature to get more visibility and engagement from the OCD subscribers.
OCD Team ~
Hello @crosheille Thank you very much for your support, and how good that you like landscapes, for me it is nice to do it since it is one of my passions, taking pictures, I will take into account your recommendation to publish in the community that you have told me, greetings.
You’re very welcome ;)
Thank you for responding ~
Muchas gracias amiga @crosheille saludos.
muy bonito e interesante tu post, saludos :)
Gracias amiga @crisbel20 cada dia mejorando, saludos.