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RE: Answering Galen's Gauntlet - I Asked For 1 Personal Question, But He Gave Me 11

in OCD5 years ago

hey Matt, first of all sorry to hear you got sick! I hope you're ok now....

I like this challenge! I saw it on @soyrosa's page, and thought it was just her challenging anyone to ask her something lol. Cool initiative. How does it work? Do you need to be challenged by someone?


Hola. My posts may have been an unrelated coincidence with Rosa's. I'd seen all the Ask Me Anything posts and thought I'd try to spice things up a bit with surprise person v person challenges on random questions I asked both.

If you've got time between baby duty, I think one for you and your husband would be fun. You'd both just have to sign off on me not having any responsibility for someone sleeping on the couch!