I felt like talking to you.

in OCD2 months ago


You know, I've been thinking for days whether to write to you or not. I want you to know that I am on this Planet, and so are YOU.

(Me and my dog Misha)

I'm sorry to barge in on you like this, uninvited. Maybe I should have knocked first. Ask for permission to come to your house? But I don't even know where you live or what your name is.
I mean, everyone here is writing to someone, too. Why can't I write to you HERE? They don't ask the other person's permission; they write immediately in the hope that this "other" will respond.

Today I am lonely and wanted to talk to you. I don't know where you are now: maybe far from me, maybe close - the Internet removes all these obstacles. It doesn't matter to it: "near or far" - all the same, I hope you will come here and "read me". At any rate, I would like that so much.

You know, you are still a complete stranger to me and that's why I decided to write HERE just for you. I hope you won't push me away, hurt me or betray me. As long as the Internet is the only thing that connects us.

How good it is that people invented it! The use of the Internet, nowadays, is undeniable. Its main advantage is the instantaneous exchange of information, without delay. In the past, remember, letters were written on paper and sent by mail. They went to the addressee for several days or even weeks, depending on the distance of location relative to each other to whom they were written. The internet has removed that barrier (time). Sending letters to each other is now instantaneous, regardless of the distance from each other.

And this is the "quickest" e-mail I'm sending to you right now.

Thanks to the internet, people can also find each other even if they are far away from each other. Like me, for example, I want to find you. Time doesn't exist with it, you can't feel it! It seems like you've been surfing the Internet on your computer for half an hour, but in reality much more time has passed. Have you ever had that?

Tell me, do you ever get lonely? I guess all people feel lonely at times in their lives. They probably have no one to talk to, just like me. And I'd like that so much! It's a pity that not many people can understand your soul. And some don't even try.

Only a few people can understand you completely, and those who can understand you have yet to be found. Sometimes this can take a lifetime. I mean: finding a very close person with whom you want to live your whole life, so that he or she understands and feels your soul, and does not perceive you only as an external shell.

Money is nothing, feelings are everything! Money should not come first - feelings should come first. Not everyone can feel and understand the human soul. It is either there or it is not. Money can't buy it. To feel and understand, and with the help of it to look into the soul, in my opinion, this is the most precious thing a person can have! It's just a pity that not everyone understands it. And some do not want to understand. They do not need you to understand them and look into their souls. And others are looking for such a person and can't find it.

You know, some people are not ready to talk a lot at all, they are annoyed when others talk a lot, and some people, on the contrary, need to communicate as much as possible about everything and with a close person. I like to talk a lot exactly with a person close to me about everything. To talk not just to talk, but to get to know him and feel better for myself. But I don't have him now. Do you want to become one?

Tell me, do you like sweets? I do, but not all of them. I like cupcakes with raisins, cakes and eclairs with buttercream, and also shortbread with frosting.
I remember eclairs, no, not the ones they sell today, but the ones when I was a kid and ran to the candy store. They were exclusively made of buttercream and real icing. Back then, buttercream was the only cake cream valued, and real cake was only made of buttercream. It still counts as the best for me now!

And Kiev cake? Back then, the whole country knew its quality. When I was in Kiev, I had a chance to taste it.... Have you tasted something like that?

(shortbread cake with icing)

Today's shortbread cake with icing is not what it used to be. The icing on this cake, far from being the same icing that was so crumbly and seemed so airy and soft! It melted not only in my mouth..., it melted even on my lips... That says a lot, like the fact that the melting point and its crumbliness were such that it softened even from my lips...

I daresay this is the first time I've ever written something like this...

I like many other things: smells, flowers, animals, but most of all I like to feel. To feel touch, tenderness, breath, warmth, care, love, the inner world of a person close to me.

Well, that’s all. I should go to bed. We're in the middle of the night. It's been a pleasure opening up a little bit of myself... to you.

I'm not saying goodbye to you. I'll write more next time. See you soon.

© Copyright: Vladimir Yevtushenko 3, 2024
Certificate of Publication No. 224072700990. (27.07.2024)

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