This weekend I decide to spend the weekend in hinterland area of Aceh, the panorama of mountain was really amaze me, and also the fresh air. The most interesting thing to capture in this area is the panorama and the tiny animal. I found the ladybug perch on the tip of grass, it was so fascinating object to grab, the dominant color of orange and the dot on the hard part of the ladybug body it is seem like the button to press and change the hard body to activate the wing, this tiny bug was moving actively, I tried my best to capture from different angel. This Little creature is awesome but need extra efforts to capture it properly.
Akhir pekan ini saya memutuskan untuk menghabiskan akhir pekan di daerah pedalaman Aceh, panorama pegunungan yang sungguh membuat saya takjub, dan juga udaranya yang segar. Hal yang paling menarik untuk diabadikan di kawasan ini adalah panorama dan hewan mungilnya. Saya menemukan ladybug bertengger di ujung rumput, objek yang sangat menarik untuk diraih, warna dominan oranye dan titik di bagian keras body ladybug seperti tombol untuk menekan dan mengubah bodi keras untuk mengaktifkan sayap, serangga kecil ini bergerak secara aktif, saya mencoba yang terbaik untuk menangkap dari sudut yang berbeda. Makhluk kecil ini memang luar biasa tetapi membutuhkan upaya ekstra untuk menangkapnya dengan benar.
Pemandangan indah yang difoto dengan baik. Keren hasilnya.
Good macro photos!
Amazing photos. What kind of camera did you use to capture?
Also, this would have been best suited to the stock image community. It is one of the communities backed by ocd itself.
We would prefer it if you could post your "insect" post in the Fascinating insect community community as we're trying to help grow a diverse set of niche communities so readers can get a better community trending page as mentioned in The OCD community. For a list of the communities we're curating right now please check OCD Communities Incubation Program - Update #5. You are welcome to cross-post your posts from that community onto OCD with the feature to get more visibility and engagement from the OCD subscribers.
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