Anything I publish online I mean to say and want to express.
The internet was an amazing thing and well-meant and has been hijacked from us for malicious manipulation. Irrelevant whether by state operators, marketing crews, or tinfoil hats.
I fully stand behind that statement and I will fight until I die for everyone to understand how algos manipulate. This is a general issue not a country specific problem. The Netherlands get as dumbed down by FB as they got by Veronica TV.
Agree! Nice touch the reference with Veronica TV. Fact is: This is what the mass wants, since without the mass going for Veronica TV, all the shit shows now on TV, or mass adoption of FB, there would be no Veronica TV, shit shows, or FB. Therefore one can argue the case: Because of the mass wanting to be stupid, we have all these services; Not the other way around. Thats how I look at things. I meant to say: people want to be manipulated therefore we have services that manipulates people. Therefor we may need to blame people instead of the services itself :)