Tbh De Correspondent are tech luddites. :D
Which is surprising given that one of their founders was also a co-founder of The Next Web.
Tbh De Correspondent are tech luddites. :D
Which is surprising given that one of their founders was also a co-founder of The Next Web.
Really? You think they are luddites? Thats not my impression at all. I follow mostly Rob Wijnberg and read a few of his books. Very phylosophical this guy as well as someone who does want to bring news objectively, with a 360 degree and doesnt like soundbites and influencers on what news to bring, like advertisers. I actually think some of the journalists doing a great job talking about tech and impact it has and can have: good and bad.
Around 2-3 years ago they’ve had some weird articles about modern tech and blockchain. Not sure if they improved their roster since, it was for me sufficient a reason not to subscribe and stop reading them. In fact, I even considered contacting Ernst-Jan over it, with whom I’ve had previous contact during his early TNW days.
Fknmayhem thinks everyone is a luddite :D
Hey! I'm not that big a nerd! :/
Hahaha LOL