Become a Mobile application Developer 2022...

in OCD3 years ago

Become a Mobile application Developer 2022...

Mobile apps are literally everywhere 🤓 . if you're not in the 21st century then you may not know what mobile apps. 😆 .
Mobile apps can make you , if you own them a millionaire if done the right way or a crappy looser if you don't advertise them


the right way . Here in this article i will share with you some few ways which i have learned over time in becoming a good mobile app developer.

I know that if you're in the tech world you must have heared of Flutter, React Native , Ionic , Xamarin , Kotlin , Swift , Java ..... so much i can't count LOL. so you want to become a mobile app developer, it is good that you become a crossplatform mobile app developer than a single platform one , why? , because most of the companies or organizations or even individuals want their app to be accessible and available through , multiple platform and to be honest it really a strong assertation that many would like to have their apps available to every one but if you would like to become both cross-platform and single platform then You might want to consider ( Kotlin or Java ) for android Development and Swift or Objective-C for IOS platform ( But according to google analytics Objective-c is considered a dying programming language as of this time , even you would even find most IOS developer not recommending it. but it your choice . in my opinion however ( i would say that you can pick Kotlin( maybe because i know Kotlin programming LOL ) for android Development and Swift for IOS development ).

Now Kotlin is a modern programming language that is concise , safe m pragmatic and focused on interoperability with java code(king of android app).it can be used for Server-side Development , Android apps and much more...
now if you want to build a mobile app android app with kotlin you should install android studio (a studio for creation android apps ) and all libraies like SDK(really important cause this right here gave some serious pain in the *** when i forgot to update or install it ).

let go through a basic Hello World in Kotlin Lang.

fun main(args : Array< String>){
printin("Hello World!") ;

Not so pretty huh?. the word fun is used in kotlin to define a function just like the way you would define a function in javascript as function or in python def main , fun is used in kotlin .
Then the main() , this is the main function of every kotlin code as the main code of the application starts from the main function just like c++ where the code also starts from the main function so is the kotlin language.  the args simply signify a the arguments of the funtion assigning it value is the Array<string> signifying that the value of the argument.

Then the printIn() is a method (function) used to output the text that is provided between its parantheses " brackets" in our case " Hello World !".

I will be droppimg some article about this language often so stay tuned if you're intrested in learning the language .

So we are at Cross-platform . Now ofcourse you might have heard of Flutter one of the most popular mobile app framework and React-Native , so in this article i will be explaning React-Native ( cause i am a React-Native Monil app Developer) .

Now not that Flutter is not Cool it reall Cool. But to me it all Widget and coming from a full stack Nodejs and Python-Django perpespective the widget doesnt just cut it for me . it feels to almost unnatural for me because i am so used to styling my own app from scratch and taking control of the wheels and crating my own component myself so i didn't just like Flutter.
Now React-native is one of the most Used Cross-platform mobile app framework as its give a native app experience to developers and of course Big Companies like (Google , Instagram , Skype ...) use this framework Instagram is built with React-native and skype just to mention a few...

So if you're intrested in learning react-native feel free to let me Know in the comment Section as i would like to Give a full stack tutorial for free only on Hive.

First thing you want to do if you have a computer is to intall Nodejs , ,and install npm (which is a package manager ). Then you go to you command terminal (cmd in windows) , and run the following command

npm install -g create-react-native-app

this install the package create-react-native-app from your cmd globally to your computer.then you want to create your first
react-native app . run the following Command .

create-react-native-app myapp

what this does is that it create or scaffold your app for you, the myapp is your app name you can name it anything you want.after scaffolding the app , go to the app folder by runing

cd myapp 

then run

npm start 

to start the App you would see a QRcode which you can scan with you phone using the expo app which you can download googke play store or apple store. i personally use expo. you can also use android studio. but that willbe in the next article.

Stay tuned...


Bro this is a lot. Are you going into software development now? Because web development alone is not easy 🥲... I am getting better at it though

Bro i am already a software developer LOL . yea true it quite much but in my upcoming article to become a mobile app dev with react native i will break down every details.Thanks 😀