Contemplating Helicopters

“I contemplated with a helicopter, but sister Mary made me do it.”
The bureau chief gave me a stare like I’d never seen before. Contortions in his face told me that he was furious with my answer. “Just who the Hell do you think you’re talking to boy?” the chief demanded to know.
“It’s the only way I can explain everything sir,” I told him, “and it wasn’t a helicopter like our helicopters; I only call it a helicopter because it was kind of like a helicopter.”
“What do you mean, our helicopters? What other kinds of helicopters are there?”
“Well sir, the craft I’m talking about is, I believe, either made by an advanced earthly foreign power, or by an extraterrestrial power; and sir, I am leaning toward it being extraterrestrial.”

“And you’re leaning towards it being extraterrestrial... why?”

“For one thing sir, it didn’t seem to be controlled by a pilot, and in fact, I saw no people inside the craft at all, and nothing inside looked like anything I’d ever seen before. Nothing looked as though it was made by humans.”
I went on to tell the chief how I’d discovered the craft in the air while I was on a training mission, and the weird things that happened that day after I’d first spotted it. How it seemed to “know” what I was thinking, and how it communicated directly with me, as though it had somehow gotten into my head, physically.
“When you say it communicated with you like it was inside your head, are you suggesting it was as though, who or whatever it was, had implanted some device or something inside your head?”
“I’m willing to be examined for the presence of any implants sir. I don’t believe I’ve had anything implanted in my body, but in a situation like this, however, I believe it is conceivable something like that could have happened without my having any recollection of it, especially if we’re considering we’re being subjected to extraterrestrial beings.”
“I do believe that what I’m telling you now sir, comes from my human memory, and not from implants, as far as I know.”
I told him about how it convinced me to follow it to an abandoned airfield in the middle of nowhere, and after we’d landed, how it convinced me to enter it, and then proceeded to give me tidbits of information on the origin of, and the purpose for its mission.
“So let me get this straight; you’re up there flying your F-15, and then, all of a sudden, you see this UFO that looks sort of like a helicopter, and it starts talking to you, but not through your radio. It’s more like it’s put something inside your head, only you don’t think that it actually put anything inside your head – do I have this right?”
“Begging your pardon sir, but yes, that’s about how it happened.”

“And then, after you and this helicopter-like “craft” landed, you then went inside the mystery craft and had further conversations with the craft itself, yet there were no beings there, extraterrestrial or otherwise?”

“That’s correct, sir.”
I also explained to the chief how it and I together, contemplated the future of our world and its world as well, which I had found fascinating, as prior to that moment, I’d known nothing about the craft’s world. Then suddenly, I knew everything about it.
When contemplating the future of life on earth, the craft was more of the opinion that the human species would require “upgrades.” That would be accomplished through physical contact with the living beings who’d created the craft in which I now sat, contemplating these things with it.
I explained how I was told that I must now begin work with Sister Mary, the ruler of the craft’s world, as I had passed the final “test.” Sister Mary had personally chosen me above every other human being on earth to be contacted by the craft, due to my history and my character, as the only one with whom she’d negotiate.
“I know it sounds ridiculous sir, and I would also be reluctant to believe any of this actually happened... if I hadn’t experienced it myself.”
Contemplating Helicopters © free-reign 2020

This is my entry for “A Fictional Story Challenge” hosted by @tristancarax. My prompt (first sentence) is "I contemplated with a helicopter, but sister Mary made me do it." My task was to write a story in first person, based on the prompt sentence.
For more info on this new contest, see this post
Thanks for reading!

Sources for images used in this post:
(Public Domain photos are from Wikimedia Commons)
Helicopter?: Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Questions/Answers: Image by nugroho dwi hartawan from Pixabay
Abandoned Airfield: Image by Little Mountain 5 / CC BY-SA

Me pareció genial tu relato, amigo @free-reign
Gracias amigo mío, me alegro de que te haya gustado la historia! 😃
You have garnered support from the @bananafish community. We appreciate your fine work and hope that you will continue to produce awesome content for us to feast our minds on.
Thank you @bananafish community!
Of course, Sister Mary would choose you. Those alien sure now how to pick the very best people. 8-)
I did miss your initial comment regarding your confusion about what to write. I think you made it make sense here. You could have also gone with this angle. lol
I'm surprised by how many people did this exercise with no promise of reward. I'll be doing some more of these and making it a freewrite community thing. Maybe a contest will come out of it. This particular exercise takes longer to set up each time as it was a challenge for me to come up with phrases that strung together to make sense in some respect.
I'm also really happy to see that you are gaining support from elsewhere from people with some decent coin to hand out. That is awesome! Sure makes it looks like, as a writer, we could make a living. lol
It's not me, LOL! This pilot has everything going for him, and that's why Sister Mary picked him. 🤔 It's pretty funny that I used the segments as is for the complete sentence, instead of just including them in a longer sentence, but in hindsight, if I'd done that, I might not have come up with this story, and I kinda like it.
The curation is getting better here on hive I think, and the communities thing has a lot to do with it. Some are doing a really fantastic job
It made me laugh, writing this, and I always enjoy writing those the most.