Gotitas de Amor | Droplets of Love: Food delivery #02 "Heart Without Borders Foundation"

in OCD3 years ago

We continue to work thanks to the support of all the people who believe in the work we do every day. The #HIVE community has been an important change for this project and has seen us grow for many years now.

Here we leave you a photo gallery of some of the last deliveries of medicines that we made with the love and affection of the whole community 😍.

Acá les dejamos una fotogalería de algunas de las últimas entregas de medicamentos que realizamos con el cariño y amor de toda la comunidad 😍Seguimos trabajando gracias al apoyo de todas las personas que día a día creen en el trabajo que realizamos. La comunidad de #HIVE a sido un cambio importante para este proyecto y nos ha visto crecer desde hace ya muchos años atrás.

On Tuesday, February 1st, in our program of support to other organizations, we delivered a donation of dry food to the foundation Heart Without Borders: who together with their team work hard to help people in need in our municipality.

We greatly thank those who made this donation possible and thank this foundation for continuing to work for those who need it most.

Congratulations and keep up the goodwill!



Signed and stamped document prior to food delivery
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Agradecemos todo el apoyo que nos han brindado y los invitamos a contactarnos para seguir recibiendo sus donativos y poder ayudar a la población que más lo necesita.

We thank you for all the support you have given us and invite you to contact us to continue receiving your donations in order to help the population in need. (2).gif (1).gif