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![]() | @castleberry is an outstanding artist. He always shows us thorough art posts. This partcular one caught my eye because of the mix of colors and shapes resulting from a hardworking abstract process. Just unbelievable. |
This post by @lqch offers everybody new tools to give a very fresh and catchy image to your blog by free. What's more, she got a didactic way to tell it. So, it is impossible to lose the chance this talented digital designer presents. | |
![]() | Personal Treasure
corroborates this. A highly recommended author.As a writer/reader here in Hive, I can state it is full of talented litterateurs. One of best writers I have had the pleasure to get is @amritadeva. She is natural, dynamic and
intriguing in her narrative. |
![]() | I did not know I want to visit Vietnam till I checked @trangbaby's post out. I had not Vietnam in my list of Asian countries to visit, but she changed that introducing me to Da Nang (the city of bridges). Really interesting cityscape. |
![]() | @essendi is another talented artist here in Hive. He showcases various animal illustrations with great detail in colors, which has amused me several times, like this spectacular peacock. |
![]() | This post by @javilinares gives me a sense of impetus. When I just look at it, I imagine the whole Far West scene. I love all the details involved and the strong perspectives both characters display. I am sure there is a lot to admire on it. |
If I could attach some drawing to the word mysterious, this would be the one, surely. I think it is an excellent example for the phrase a picture is worth a thousand words because I feel it narrates a whole story which secrets I am anxious to know about. One of the many great pen works @maxwellmarcusart has brought to Hive. | |
![]() | This kind yearly summary @jlufer shares with us, it's a perfect reminder to never give up. He himself is a living case to demonstrate that hard times comes to evoke the best of us and make us evolve in unexpected but satisfactory ways. Definitely, he is a source of inspiration. |
![]() | I am a big fan of collages and @escriptora made one that both impresses and tenders my soul by finding out what is behind it. In my opinion, she is a cultured person with a huge heart and talent for visual arts. |
![]() | People adore Christimas time and I adore people putting some Christmas bright to their homes. @jozef230 decorates his with lovely objects that transmit me Christmas spirit at once. It certainly made me go back to my childhood. |
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![]() | @castleberry es un artista excepcional. Siempre nos muestra minuciosas publicaciones de arte. Este artículo me llamó la atención por la mezcla de colores y formas que resultan de un proceso abstracto muy laborioso. Simplemente increíble. |
Este post de @lqch ofrece a todos nuevas herramientas para dar una imagen muy fresca y cautivante a tu blog de forma gratuita. Además, tiene una manera didáctica de explicarlo. Por lo tanto, es imposible perder la oportunidad que esta talentosa diseñadora digital nos presenta. | |
![]() | Tesoro personal corrobora esto. Una autora muy recomendada.Como escritor/lector aquí en Hive, puedo afirmar que esta blockchain está llena de literatos talentosos. Una de las mejores escritoras que he tenido el placer de leer es @amritadeva. Ella es natural, dinámica e intrigante en su narrativa. |
![]() | No sabía que quería visitar Vietnam hasta que revisé el post de @trangbaby. No tenía a Vietnam en mi lista de países asiáticos por visitar, pero ella cambió esto, presentándome Da Nang (la ciudad de los puentes). Un paisaje urbano realmente interesante. |
![]() | @essendi es otro artista con mucho talento aquí en Hive. Presenta varias ilustraciones de animales con gran detalle de colores, lo que me ha encantado varias veces, como sucede con este espectacular pavo real. |
![]() | Este post de @javilinares me da una sensación de ímpetu. Cuando lo miro, me imagino toda la escena del Lejano Oeste. Me encantan todos los detalles involucrados y las fuertes perspectivas que ambos personajes muestran. Estoy seguro de que hay mucho que admirar en este dibujo. |
Si pudiera fijar algún dibujo a la palabra misterios, éste sería el indicado, seguramente. Creo que es un excelente ejemplo de la frase una imagen vale más que mil palabras porque siento que narra toda una historia cuyos secretos estoy ansioso por conocer. Uno de los muchos y grandes trabajos a lapicero que @maxwellmarcusart ha traído a Hive. | |
![]() | Este agradable resumen anual que @jlufer comparte con nosotros, es un recordatorio perfecto para no rendirse nunca. Él mismo es un caso viviente para demostrar que los tiempos difíciles vienen a evocar lo mejor de nosotros y nos hacen evolucionar de maneras inesperadas pero a la vez satisfactorias. Definitivamente, él es una fuente de inspiración. |
![]() | Soy un gran fan de los collages y @escriptora hizo uno que me impresiona y conmueve al descubrir lo que hay detrás de él. En mi opinión, es una persona culta con un gran corazón y talento para las artes visuales. |
![]() | La gente adora el tiempo de Navidad y yo adoro que la gente ponga algo de brillo navideño en sus casas. @jozef230 decora la suya con objetos encantadores que me transmiten el espíritu navideño de inmediato. Ciertamente me hizo volver a mi infancia. |
Thanks for reading. I really wish you spend great times with you beloved ones these holidays!
In order to see more quality content selections, I would love to invite some friends to this initiative: @lqch, @lililuki, @castleberry. Are you up?
Gracias por leer. ¡Realmente deseo pasen momentos de calidad con sus seres queridos en estas festividades!
A propósito de ver más selecciones sobre contenido de calidad, me encantaría invitar algunos amigos a esta iniciativa: @lqch, @lililuki, @castleberry. ¿Se animan?

hey thanks for the mention and support! i had not reviewed this post. i hope i can continue to share. greetings!
Hello! Welcome.
I am glad you share your art with us.
Thank you brother for the appreciation! I am glad you found HIVE and that it could offer you a positive outlet for these difficult times! I am also glad it has been able to be an interactive community to connect with as well. Great idea to put together some of the best posts of the year. I am thankful one of mine was up for your consideration. Merry Christmas brother! I am almost done with that artwork so keep an eye out for it: Coming Soon!

Hello, brother!
Yes, I can say Hive has been one of the things that brought more light to my life this year. A turning point.
I came up with this idea from several weeks ago now and I deciced to make it real thanks to the quality content I usually see here, like yours.
Merry Christmas to you, too!!!
Hey, sure, looking forward to admire the final result.
Thanks friend for the support. I also joined hive in the middle of this year, it was the best thing that has happened to me in this problematic year, it has helped me to retake my passion for drawing and I have learned many new things, and it has been an important economic support, in short it has been a blessing. Greetings
Hi, @javilinares!
Seems we have shared similar livings this year. Art within us never dies. Instead, it blossoms in crisis. What, in the end, it's a blessing like you say as It helps us to deal with a wide range of obstacles.
Happy Holidays, man!
You are very kind, I heartily appreciate that you have highlighted my post. Thanks a lot
I take this opportunity to wish you a prosperous weekhello dear friend @gabmr good day
Hello, friend @jlufer. Good morning!
I am sure most Hivers are grateful you shared with us your yearly experience. Thank YOU.
Have yourself a prosperous and pleasant week, as well.
Wow me encanta esta iniciativa!Ame tu post, tal vez me anime a participar!
Muchas gracias, @lililuki. Bien, estaré esperando tu participación!!
Shii, gracias por no solo mencionarme, sino también invitarme ¡lo apreció mucho! Me unire a esta iniciativa ¡saludoos!
Gracias a ti por mostrarnos tu gran contenido y aceptar la invitación.
Thank you for the mention and picking my work. I appreciate.
Hi, man! Your work is incredible. Keep up doing great. People admire your talent.
Thank you for promotion!🙏
@tipu curate 2
Thanks for your kind post!
@tipu curate