Fuente||Source:La Reserva
In the last four days of this week i have been watching a marathon of Japanese cinema movies (which i really like) for its inventiveness and the lessons it offers to the public. Many of these films are known to have been of great significance: Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, and Ponyo.
The truth is that each of these films have in common the treatment that human beings offer to nature and the vision of Japanese culture towards it, since they always represent each of its elements in the form of gods or demigods. . Well, remembering these films and their reflections made me return to a thought regarding the treatment that is given to her and the importance that humans offer to nature.
Ante toda esta reflexión recordé la situación suscitada en mi país, Venezuela, en el cual se ha estado explotando de forma desconsiderada e irrespetuosa uno de los pulmones vegetales más importantes del mundo, seguramente habrán escuchado sobre el Arco Minero y las constantes y repetidas denuncias no sólo de organizaciones internacionales como la ONU sino también de ciudadanos que reconocen la importancia del cuidado de este lugar.
Given all this reflection, irecalled the situation in my country, Venezuela, in which one of the most important plant lungs in the world has been exploited in an inconsiderate and disrespectful way, surely you have heard about the
Mining Arc and the constant and repeated complaints not only from organizations international organizations such as the UN but also from citizens who recognize the importance of caring for this place.
It turns out that the mining arc has not only been a source of pollution and damage to nature in which millions of hectares have been lost and millions of animals have died losing their homes, but it has also been the epicenter of multiple human rights abuses. in an undifferentiated way as narrated by the exposed news.
Fuente||Source:Correo del Caroní
On the other hand, the constant news regarding climate change and the insatiable thirst of governments and governors for the development of weapons and explosive instruments to wage war here, there, in the Middle East, in North America, in Asia, in South America... And not to mention the recent proliferation of Covid-19 in the world. All of this the product of exacerbated fear, all of it a product of damage to nature, all of it a product of us, the man who fears.
Faced with this situation and the beautiful messages offered by these films, a deep desire was born in me to remember those who seem to have forgotten it, and to remind those of us who at times feel hopeless about what is happening around us, the love and recognition that we owe to nature because we are part of it.
Nature gives us gifts daily and provides us with everything we need to survive and we also to her, our relationship with her should not be based on the ruthless taking and without consideration of what she offers us, let's remember that a relationship is built from two poles in which both offer reciprocity, offer care and affection and this is what she is constantly reminding us. However, despite our pettiness, she continues to provide us with everything we need.
But, let's not give up, let us also remember that despite the selfishness that still exists towards her on the part of many, there is also beauty and there is someone who can remember, who can remind us of respect and love for her because her respect and love is the that we offer ourselves. So let's be like Princess Mononoke, let's be like Chihiro or like Sosuke and Ponyo, let's live in harmony and deep appreciation towards her because she is part of ourselves and when we take something, let us thank her and also give her love.
From what we consider smallest, even just taking a simple plant, let's ask the trees for permission, let's hug them, water them and tell them that we love them and we know that they also deserve love. Thank you to all for reading me.
Me gustaría como es de costumbre agradecer el apoyo constante recibido por @gems, @appreciator en contenidos de calidad, @cervantes en contenidos originales y con calidad ortográfica y a @naturalmedicine por promover el amor imparable por todo. También quiero invitarlos a darse un paseo por mis redes sociales:As usual, I would like to thank the constant support received by @gems, @appreciator in quality content, @cervantes in original content and with spelling quality and @naturalmedicine for promoting unstoppable love for everything. I also want to invite you to take a walk through my social networks:
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Bello mensaje. Siempre podemos profundizar y elevar nuestra visión y relación con lo natural, y me refiero no sólo a los bosques, montañas, ríos y mares, árboles y animales, sino a todo nuestro entorno.
Fomentamos el contenido sobre salud y bienestar: cuerpo, mente, alma y tierra. Somos una comunidad inclusiva con dos reglas básicas: Prueba de corazón (prevalece la bondad) y Prueba de cerebro (contenido original). Lee más aquí.
Nuestro sitio web también recompensa con su propio token Lotus y nos encantaría que te unas a nuestra comunidad en Discordaquí. Delega a @naturalmedicine y recibe apoyo con votos, reblogs, consejos, desafíos de inspiración para escribir para tener la oportunidad de ganar HIVE y más. Haz clic para unirte al curation trail de #naturalmedicine!
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¡Así es, muchas gracias por el apoyo! Y por fomentar un espacio diferente. Saludos.
A beautiful line - if we can't respect nature, how can we respect ourselves, and vice verse?
¡Que post tan bello! Sí, lamentablemente la mayoría de las personas no han tomado conciencia de la relación de respeto que debemos tener con la Madre Naturaleza, con la Madre Tierra. Tristemente, el Arco Minero está destruyendo a la Tierra, no sólo a Venezuela, sino a todo el planeta (recordemos el efecto mariposa), y para desgracia de la humanidad entera y de las nuevas generaciones que aún no han nacido, desaparecerán miles de especies animales y vegetales y espacios únicos e irremplazables del planeta. Un gran abrazo.