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RE: Embrace the Hive

in OCD2 years ago

I was thinking something along the lines of what you were saying.

I noticed Hola Supercenter doesn't withdraw the HBD received from their customers yet which is great. Probably 100 HBD or so for them isn't much. But they can use the amount that's accruing in their account more creatively. For example: add it to savings and each month withdraw the interest and organize a lottery for customers who pay with HBD. Or even better, it can be for any of their customers, with whatever target audience they want. The winner gets the interest plus a free (I'm sure this can be arranged) Hive account, if he/she doesn't have one.

As they get more HBD in their wallet and in their savings, this can be extended to multiple winners and it would attract the attention of more customers.