...The princess leaned in towards the frog, blonde hair falling around her face framing her lovely white skin, ruby red lips and deep brown eyes.
The frog couldn't believe his luck, that this lovely princess would want to give him a kiss, but also leaned forward in expectation...They kissed, just a small kiss, no more than a chaste peck on the lips, but it was enough. All of a sudden light sparkled around the frog and he blinked with the brightness of it. The princess sat back shielding her own eyes from the light but even as she did it began to fade.
She blinked in astonishment when it did though. She couldn't trust that what she saw was indeed really there. But it was.
Where the frog had been sat a handsome prince smiling at her, a handsome smile that touched his eyes. She smiled back realising that he must have been cursed by an evil witch who turned him into a frog; Loves true kiss had unlocked the spell returning him into his true self...And they lived happily ever after.
Real life isn't a Brothers Grimm fairy tale though, and picking up frogs and kissing them isn't something most modern women want to do.
Still, don't we all want to find an attractive partner, a prince charming, or beautiful princess? I think it would be fair to say so; And yet, we're not all beautiful, handsome or attractive.
I met my wife when I was seventeen and a half years old. She was a couple of weeks away from turning sixteen herself and I recall thinking how beautiful she was; Six feet tall, shapely, lovely white skin, kind eyes, long blonde hair...Not that I had a type per se, however she was it if I did!
In contrast I was... Well, I was just me. A fairly shy person, brownish, funny nose, eyebrows thick like those furry caterpillars that come out in spring, and nothing really special or remarkable at all. But within two weeks of meeting we were inseparable, at five months we were living together, at six years we were married and thirty three years later we are still together after sharing a magnificent life together.
A fairy tale? Nope, just thirty three years of give and take, compromise, respect, trust, common interests, passion, personality, providing support to the other in interests they have individually, humour and laughter, of fighting for each other, and with each other too, and about a thousand other things that keep us strong, as a unit.
We kissed too, but unfortunately I didn't turn into a handsome prince, I just stayed myself which was a bummer...Fortunately Faith didn't turn into a frog either, that might have been awkward.
No, we just stayed ourselves although, over time, we have certainly changed a lot; I think for the better, although Faith was pretty bloody perfect already in my estimation. We developed as we got older, grew as individuals and as a couple. It hasn't been easy in the simplistic meaning of the word, but in a way it has felt easy. I think because we seemed to find the magic that we needed to bring it all together and that came from within us, inside each of us.
That's the thing I guess...We are not at all the people we seem from outward appearances and to judge a person from that perspective, as many do, will only lead to lost or missed opportunities. We are the people behind the mask, so to speak, and those people who take the time to kiss some frogs, delve a little deeper to know the true person, will often find much of value, as opposed to those looking on the outside only.
We can't all look amazingly beautiful or handsome, nor can we be the funniest, richest, most intelligent, witty, charitable, sexy, loving, passionate people all the time, certainly not all at once; We can be the best versions of ourselves as often as possible though, for sure that is within our power and for Faith and I it is what we seek. Do we hit it every single hour and day? Nope, not at all, but we get close a great deal, and when we don't...That's when the compromise, respect and trust kicks in, things we built together in the initial months and years of our relationship.
I don't know what our secret is, why we've been together and happy for so long, and even if I told you it may not work in your own life...But I'm glad we have it, the secret whatever it may be, and I hope that everyone out there is able to find their own, with a partner they value, sooner not later. I hope, like Faith did with me, that you are able to find your frog.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
There is one frog, not gonna name him, that actually turned down the princess, and the princess left... over the years the frog became greener and continued kissing but, didn' find the princess again.
Sometimes appearance may fool one, sometimes not, and sometimes the frog fools himself...
Yes, I have known a few frogs like that, mates of mine in fact. Always looking for perfection, never finding it, as they don't look deeply enough or realise that it doesn't exist and so they hop around in froggy-solitude lamenting the loss of the princess they walked away from. It happens the other way too.
I'm my own frog.
Frogs for life, yo.
Nothing wrong with embracing one's own froggyness at all. Some of us are so froggy that our own personal froggyness is hard to forego. Seems like you are one of those.
You only have to get it right once.
Yes man, and thank the gods I did...What gods I don't know, but I'm going to suggest it was the Viking ones. Lol.
This frog made good.
We're never going to see ourselves how others do XP she probably thinks you're the sexiest beast on the planet while you're here moaning about how froggy you are.
So there.
Yeah, you're possibly right, although sexy beast and the G-dog are generally not two things that should be concatenated into the same sentence unless it's G-dog is not a sexy beast.
She thinks I'm ok, and never once have I heard her refer to me as anything but that, so it seems to work. Faith is not the sort of girl who goes around proclaiming that so and so is hot, actors etc. although she is complimentary of me...So, just goes to prove, she is a knucklehead! Lol. Go figure.
One frog shall find itself first before getting into princess business! :D
Yep, frogs need to be content and happy within themselves to be able to put themselves in princess-catching mode.
No frog should argue with that! :D
Hahha so true
Frogs like me know these things. 🐸
Awww you guys are so cute. It takes a lot of compromise, trust, faith, dedication, honesty and a whole lot of stuff to make a relationship last like that. And yes, luck. Some people are just meant to be together.
I was talking to my friend yesterday who is struggling with the father of her kids. She's angry and irritated with him alot, and he's not the most empathetic sort. As bad as it sounds, it made me feel grateful for how strong me and Jamie are. 17 years is not bad and we are still silly in love. I'm the frog though, but he thinks I'm the most beautiful princess ever. Blows me away. My friend always holds us up as this holy example of a good relationship she wants for herself. I guess I was NEVER going to settle for anything less, but I did choose a good one. We decided we would get married on Day3 ..and did, a year later. I guess it cpuld have ended badly but I think we were MEANT to be together. How GOOD does it feel to be with the person you know you'll be with forever??
And you aren't that frog like, dear. Faith obviously thinks you are gorgeous! Xx
Nice story and yes 17 years is a good number for sure.
You know, I hear people say that it must get boring or stuff like that and I just smile and say no. In my head I'm like, you will never know for yourself, so just keep doing what you do and regret will come knocking someday.
There is nothing quite like having that person beside you right? Through thick and thin, reliable and honest, dedicated and well, just there. It's a nice feeling.
I think you guys are like us and that's a pretty cool way to be. We are lucky right?
P.s. I am a frog...But they're cute right? I mean look at Kermit! Lol. And yes,, for some reason Faith thinks I'm worth keeping. I have no clue why, bat am pleased about it.
I think it's the communication thing that is the lifeblood of a relationship. Honesty and openness are trust builders and if one is in a long term relationship, it is silly to be secretive. Our souls have inbuilt truth registers.
Sadly us frogs are a bit "dof" (foggy, dim, or if you like, stupid) and we don't understand that a woman's intuition and senses are a couple of miles deeper than our own.
So mate, if she is happy, you will be happy, but if she is not happy, beware Lol.
Happy Frogging!
Communication is very important for sure and these days so much more so because many people are not effective communicators preferring to stick their faces in their phones rather than look up and see what's going on around them. Just my opinion. Is it any wonder people struggle and maintain decent relationships.(rhetorical as I know the answer)
I've always been a frog and and ok with it. I managed to use my froggish charms to good advantage 33 years ago and snag my princess, and now I still deploy frog-like because that's what our fairytale was built on. I feel sorry for people who don't have it, or feel similar in life. But that's their journey I guess, I have my own, and I't been a good one.
We are all frogs my friend, and there are many species of frogs.
Of course you are a lucky frog, as you have the right soul-mate.
Amazing how people walk around in the malls on their phones with either their partner or parents leading them around like blind people.
I like being a frog. It's made me have to work for what I have and that effort makes me feel proud.
Not all of us frogs have it together like you do my friend and we work with many lost frogs!
Find your frog hihihi great title! I think that the secret is what you wrote : growing as individuals and as a couple together. I think that it can't turn out wrong when people work on themselves, therefore improving their interactions with the others.
There's so many moving parts to a relationship, not just the obvious physical ones either. Lol
What works for one may not for the other, but with a couple people growing together and individually within the relationship there's a fair chance that they're on the right track. There's other things of course...One needs a holistic approach, or so we have found it.
Thanks for your comment, I always enjoy receiving them.
When I read this, I was half expecting a photo of Grouchy kissing the lil' Lego frog. One can dream, I suppose. From what I've learned, never judge a book by its cover, even if the cover is truly spectacular, it could hide some dark secrets underneath.
Yes, it's good fun peeling the cover off too, when opportunities, and circumstances permit. :)
It takes time to learn, including many trials and tribulations, to learn more about what that book has to say. Sometimes, even after a while it might not even turn out in your favour. But there's always the good stories, like you and Faith. Cheers, and have a great day!
Truely spoken mate, well said.
Yep, I'm off to bed in a few moments. 11:05pm here. Need my beauty sleep. I'll catch ya.
Cheers, I'll catch you in the morning. Sleep well, you beautiful bastard :-)