Hello team, it's Friday again and I hope y'all had a good week and are ready for week four of the #weekend-engagement topic...And to win some hive!
It's been a sad week for my family; We lost my best friend Merlin, our cat we've had for 22 years, and sadly, my dad passed away also. Thank you for all your messages of condolence. We are grieving of course, and miss both terribly. The grieving will change over time though and we will remember both fondly and with much love moving forward.
I wanted to continue with the weekend engagement topic rather than let it slide too, a little fun is what I'm after and I hope y'all participate!
In honour of my dad, a tremendous artist, I decided to make this week's topic a drawing task. No skill is required as you can see from my effort below that I did as an example. I am a terrible artist.
The prize
This week there's 160 hive on offer, 20 from myself and thanks also to my little brother @tarazkp for adding 20 hive to the pool...He better add a picture too or big bro G-dog might apply a smack-down...As I have done so many times. The most legit @meesterboom has also injected 20, the beautiful @m31 30 hive and the esteemed @krazzytrukker another 20. I just received 30 hive from @ryivhnn and also 20 from @creativemary for a total of 160 hive y'all! There's a lot to play for here!
EDIT: 160 hive in the prize pool!
I am open to sponsorship if any of you would like to add to the prize pool too! Simply transfer me the hive and tag me in a comment that you have done it so I can edit this post. There is no obligation of course.
The criteria
All you need to do is draw yourself doing something you enjoy, take a picture of it and post your drawing in the comments below.
You can see me above hiking in the Australian outback at sunset. That's a kangaroo on the right and in the trees to the left is what is supposed to be a koala. In the sky is a flock of sulfur-crested cockatos's making their way to the stand of trees.
I know, it's a terrible drawing! perfectly terrible...And that looks nothing like me! Clearly my dad's artistic ability didn't make its way to me but it's still legit as it's mine, just as yours will be because it is yours.
Be creative and have some fun with it, don't spend all weekend drawing a masterpiece, unless you want to, this is not at all about the best drawing.
Feel free to clarify in the comment what you've drawn and I'll give you a tip...The crazier, wackier, and funnier it is the better chance you'll have to win.
Place your image in the comments section along with any description text you want to add. Make sure you enter before Monday morning 02:30 GMT - That's 12pm (lunchtime) Monday my time. I will announce the winners soon after and the hive will have been transferred prior to the announcement.
This is all about fun and engagement and I think with this weeks' topic there could be a lot to chat about. To be honest I could use a good laugh so I hope a few of you join in and come up with something creative. Just remember, super-good drawing is not what I'm looking for; Fun and creativity is.
So, I hope you'll join in on this little fun drawing competition, and that you forgive my terrible drawing skills. My dad kept encouraging me even though he knew I was terrible at it so this drawing is for him.
Good luck everyone!
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
I am open to sponsorship if any of you would like to add to the prize pool. Simply transfer me the hive and tag me in a comment that you have done so. There is no obligation of course.
Join the Engagement League
Here I am, hard at work on the house.

Lol, this is funny. It looks like you're burning money though 😁
I am definitely burning through money :D
Now that shit right there is frikkin funny!
And... "A True Story."
They are called money pits after all...
a fire pit in this case.
Making good use of that money mate. Lucking you're a gazillionaire! It looks like you have a platypus on your head. All true-blue Aussies have a platypus hat.
It is the Aussie equivalent of a Coonskin cap
A duck billed hatypus? :D
hatypode if you have several.
Oh touche Sir... Touche :D
Lol...We've got plenty of those duck-billed buggers...Why not make hats out of them.
Lmao I love this, typical fixing up of an older house, throwing money on a slow burning fire!
Only man who has thrown money at home renovation could make a comment like this. I know you've had loads of
DIYmoney burning experience. Lol.The far simpler method of-course would be to throw the money on the fire first, resign yourself to the condition of the house and bloody relax!
In the longrun and with beer it's a win/win! :D
The geography books at school were not just being overtly stereotypical!
Contemplates the barbies, shimps, Ned Kelly hats and amber nectar too...
Oh yeah, platypus hats are all the rage here. We have a public holiday especially for platypus hunting and hat making. It's called platypus day. It's so festive.
Even Ned Kelly had a platypus hat...He just wore his steel armour helmet out in public more. Bless him and his bushranger spirit.
tokens.Hahah throwing dat money at the house! Too funny man. That's one way to make it rain lol
The fire isn't going out for a while - it seems to be growing
Yup. All that's missing is last weeks calculator to work out just how far in to debt you are digging yourself.
I see a definite artistic flair, you are clearly wearing an artiste's beret... :D
A massive 3704
Working hard at home at the same time littering cash every where right🤔🤔🤔
just burning cash on tradespeople and problems!
Ohh. Wow. That's a lot of cash to burn. Can it trade it for firewood? 😂😂😂
You give me cash and I give you enough firewood to throw.
I live in Finland - all there is here are trees and lakes... they burn the wood and then use lake water to put out the fires, just so they have something to do with it all ;D
Welcome to my country Nigeria where food cooked with firewood turns out to be the best you could ever taste.
Wood me can be used for variety of purposes. Why waste them?
Avoid Contractors at all cost.
You Sir, should be featured in an Arts Gallery
Featured? With this work?
It should have a dedicated building to house it! ;D
Pretty much what I have in mind about myself! LOL
Hmm...One eye in your head and one I'm your stomach. Seems totally legit!
Looks like you're just about to enter into a time warp machine and spiral back in time to when having an eye in your stomach was considered the height of fashion!
Just got in, ready to get sucked in the vacuum of the infinity! :D
Lol...You're going to impress dem ladeez with that stomach-eye of yours.
hahahahah!!!! SWAAAAGGG SON!!! :D
tokens.Interesting and definitely original 🙂
Thank you! I appreciate your kind words! <3 :)
Please find my entry for the weekend Contest@galenkp
First of all thanks for organizing this weekend contest, My new pencil drawing is about an WOLF HOWLING AT THE MOON,Today I have made a pencil sketch of wolf howling at the moon, generally we have seen this scene in many times in the horror movies. Which decipt that some bad things will be happening soon and we need to be careful. Yesterday I was Seening a horror movie so I thought I should make a sketch today. Hope you will enjoy it 😊.
Thank you so much for your support ❤️.
Thanks for your entry...
The criteria called for you to draw yourself doing something you enjoy.
This is a good drawing too. I assume you're not a wolf though. 😂
@galenkp wolf man is the basic concepts behind the drawing LoL 😜. In weekend I become imaginery wolf. Roaming here and their enjoying long drive in forest. Free from tension. 🙂😀😋
Ahh, ok I see! Fancy yourself as a bit of a wolf huh? Being a would would be cool.
tokens.Here is a beautiful picture of yours truly, @beckie96830. Sitting on a chair at the beach, enjoying the view, my umbrella chair shading me from the sun and my cup of coconut drink with a basket of fruits at the table 😂😂😂
Lol...What a masterpiece! There's so much to love here...Your beautiful face, hot bikini bod and some healthy food and drinks on the table! I can almost smell the salty air, hear the waves lapping at the shore...The sea birds calling.
Look out Beckie, The Louvre in Paris is going to want this one!
Oh nooo😂😂😂
I can't believe this. I can almost slap myself right now cause of this drawing. I'm wearing bikini now. Some boobs showing (what @abh12345 asked for last time).
After you all gaze your eyes on this beautiful masterpiece I promise to put it up for auction 😂😂😂
Kindly suggest a good art gallery I could visit. Thank you very much much
A masterpiece!
Always good to see bikinis on the blockchain :)
I knew you'd come running at the mention of 80085🤐🤐🤐
It's a purple bikini 👙 in case you're wondering 😂😂😂
I have a rule set on Ginabot to inform me of 80085 :D
Looks red not purple :P
No wonder you came running. It's purple. Look closely.
Remember there was a calculator in last week's prompt but I saw a beautiful door mat😂😂
The only problem is there is not enough! 🤔
That rather depends on who's wearing them though!!!
Please, PLEASE dont!!! :D
I was wondering how long it would take before someone mentioned last week's most popular thing...Boobs! You're the first, maybe not the last. Boobs and bikinis go together I guess, so I shouldn't be surprised.
I was inspired by last week's prompt that I decided to add a little touch of it 😅😅
More will come hopefully.
I'm glad I mentioned it. It's great to see a lot of bikinis on the block chain and boobs🤐🤐🤐
Lol...Can never have to many boobs. It's just not possible.
Really 🤔?? I don't believe this 😆😀😀
Let's see.
Let's leave block chain aside now. Isn't it possible to see too many boobs in real life???
Looks like there's alcohol in that coconut drink, enjoy!!
Thank you very much.
I don't think coconut drink contains alcohol 😂😂
I guess mine specially does.
Lol, all alcohol I'd say by the look of her face... 😂
tokens.Thank you very much @misterengagement
This is the spirit.
You go girl!
Thank you very much dear.
I'm glad you liked it
Oh there is certainly spirit... BUT Is it rum or vodka???
This is the question?
It is Irish potato martini. Coconut plus rum & vodka.
Oh that sounds good right about now... If it was by a beach ((even in the rather chilly right now, North of England,)) I would say... Deal! Oh who am I kidding? I'd drink it in a bus stop, from a shoe!!! :D
🍸 Cheers
Wow! I love this
Pretty neat huh? Makes me want to go to the beach.
Don't even go there please 😂😂😂
I'm so tempted to use my native language to express my emotions🤐🤐🤐🤐😂😂😂
You'll get a better view when you get to the beach.
My pleasure
Really or you're just teasing my awful drawing.
Thank you very much regardless. I'm such an awful artist.
At least you can hold a pen and draw something. Kudos to you.
Yup! That's what I am thinking, if I had drawn it you would not be able to tell the difference between me or the coconut!!!
You back at work now John? I know you were eager to return. :D
@stevenwood I have resumed but not fully. Some days off and On. Thanks for asking. Regards.
Ah! I see. Maybe that is for the best to begin with. Work days will surely be tiring after being home for so long, but you get to return to work too. Take good care my friend :D
In this case awful places you in good stead to win something! 🥴
Now why did none of my teachers ever say that when it came time to dish out the A's?
It was always "Wood, you're an embarrassment" or "Wood did you place a pin on my chair?"
Maybe, just maybe you were a trouble maker or they had a thing for you but couldn't say.
Uhm... Maybe... Now that you mention it one of my teachers was always staring at me in a funny way!
Oh I do miss Mr Thompson, such a friendly man 😁
Lol...pin on chair. You might just be my spirit animal.
Thank you very much dearie. I'm glad you do like it.
Thank you very much dearie. I'm glad you do like it.
I lovelovelove that the sun could double as a life ring if you start to struggle whilst out for a swim in the sea.
That is very, very practical of you to think so far ahead. Nice job Beckie :D
Thank you very much dearie.
I just put two and two together while drawing.
I imagined how I'd love to spend a beautiful day at the beach and what to expect. A favourable weather condition.
Oh the beach... The beach... How I would love to spend a day like that right now.
Oh I try and put 2+2 together often I always come up with the same damn answer...
80085!!! 😏
You didn't add more 2s to get 80085. You need a lot of 2s and I bet you, you can't get enough of it.
Uhm... I even added some 3's but that just disturbed me!
Some things a man should NEVER see 😕
Lies. They are things men would always wanna see.
Well look at you, Mrs. Fancy
Well hello Mr Fancy
That I can relate to, most days are to cold here, although we do have an occasional warm one. The only thing missing is the extra long fishing pole.
Ohh. You even got time to fish. Once I have cold weather I'm good to go.
Thank you very much for your kind response.
Is there a place for me too? I'd be happy to spend some time there 😉
So you wanna join me, under the hot blazing sun😥😥😥😥
Thank you very much for agreeing to keep me company.
Aww, how nice of you 🤗
Ohh. Thank you very much for your comment. There's still space for two of us and many of your friends you'd like to invite.
The pleasure is all mine 😘
I decided to join this fun drawing ! I am calling this -> Coffee break .
Coffee Break
actually trying to hold the cup so it won't fall of. I am clumsy as hell. No more spilling coffee on the way to the work space.
It's probably my 3rd cup of coffee. As you can see there are some mugs and bottles on the table. On screen there's hive and the terminal. Next to my work table, there's my book shelves with my tablet on it and again you can spot an iced coffee glass and books. My room is almost full of books and coffee beans !.
Your computer desk looks a lot like mine...Some would say messy, I say productive. Lol. Coffee is an essential part of the day so it's good to see you're on your third...coffee makes the world go round after all.
I can't leave a comment without mentioning how lovely you look in the dress. So special. It accentuates your figure so well. 😂
hahahahah indeed, some would say even a little clutter is messy. I turn coffee into words and code, later to money, it really make the world go round :D
Lol...Coffee is our best friend at times huh? Coffee into code and then money! Perfecto!
today.I like your drawing, the work station reminds me of 5-Alive robot form an old movie, always wanting more input. I can't even remember the name of the movie but it was an okay one.
oh wow, I'll try to find that movie! when talking old movie, how old was it? 5 years ago?
I googled it - Short Circuit is a 1986 - like I said an old movie
I love how you took the time to work on details, you're funny :)
You know, I thought that was my most awful drawing ! glad you found it funny though.
For this drawing I wanted to represent myself, @edwarlyn11, in a very funny way all the activities I do at home. And the most important thing is to leave the time necessary to work from home on the platform. Thanks for the support and commitment of the weekend @galenkp!❤️❤️
This is me everyday since this covid. I'm still wondering how I haven't broken down since then.
I think we're all like that, the important thing is to look for alternatives to get ahead, and not fall apart as you say @beckie96830 haha
I'll have to agree with you on that. I haven't broken down for the past 4 months and It will never happen.
I'm glad you're looking for alternative to get ahead. It's my pleasure meeting you.
Have an awesome weekend.
Let's not lose hope that all this happened dear friend, it was also nice to meet you and I wish you a happy weekend Becky ❤️❤️
Cleaning, hand washing, cooking and working out...Add working on the computer at home and that's what most of the world has been doing...It seems you do it all with ease!
I have to say though, you must find it difficult to find jumpers that fit having six arms and all. Still, you pull of the look well and it doesn't look odd at all! Lol.
I can see you have evolved perfectly with four long arms to reach things whilst using your two shorter ones to work on the computer simultaneously. Highly evolved species.
A great entry!
hahaha well, yes friend, we can consider ourselves a highly evolved species, we are capable of performing all those tasks and more! Once again thank you for the support and initiative of the @galenkp contest
You are welcome. Good luck in the judging process.
today.A busy life, I bet you enjoyed the break to have some weekend on line fun.
Well yes! I'm not going to deny you dear friend @bashadow, on weekends I take a break from the busy routine.
Oh God! 🤦 Why do I recognize myself in that drawing? 😜
Sometimes I'm doing that too, race against time.
It's very common for everyone to have that competition against the clock!
Yeah, modern times.
YES that's the reality these days !
Ps yes dear friend @macchiata, it is a portrait of our reality today! haha
this is actually pretty good. Mine looks like a 4 year old did it :)
Well that was the idea @ buceo, to make it look like a drawing of a kindergarten child haha, and have fun trying!
yup you're inner child way more talented than mine haha
Here's my entry
This is me doing what I love which is making sketches and digital art while sitting on my table. I love tea too🥳🥳🥳 I hope you like it
Trying digital drawing is something I'd like to do one day. Looks like you're a professional.
I just do my best, I keep learning as the day passes
For a change, it seems like you can draw!
I can see you take your digital art seriously...Nice to see it's fuelled by coffee also, as all good things are.
Just kicking back, taking a coffee break whilst drawing on your computer...Seems like a totally legit thing to be doing!
Nice earrings too...Classy. lol.
Thank you
today.Thank you so much for the support and encouragement @galenkp @meesterboom @tarazkp @krazzytrukker
MirrorsDrawings of Infinity @galenkp.I have always been fascinated by them.
Yeah, that's what I was getting at. An infinite vision, drawing after drawing. So many @oladele-art's all drawing each other. Freaky, yet pleasing to my OCD.
Oh, true. You did explained that to me earlier
That will be awesome
today.You did a great job, I like it.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate. I am glad you like it
A drawing of you drawing...I like the symmetry of it.
The only thing that could top this would be a picture of you drawing yourself, in which you were drawing yourself...And in that drawing you were also drawing yourself.
That would be a lot of you's all on one page I guess though. 😂
bil.prag today
Sunny day, mowing lawn. Bloody nice lawn too!
You must go to the same gym as @meesterboom! Seems like they know how to build massive bodies! Lol.
Thanks for joining in...Magnificent drawing. 🙂
this is more accurate :D
Lol, I appreciate the honesty 😁 it's a good drawing, love your red lawn mower.
😂😂 Cracked me up with this secondary, more anatomically correct drawing...
today.That was me yesterday. With a bit more hair tho ;P
my hair left me few years ago :)
I remember those by-gone days. I went from a push mower, to a gas mower, by-passed the electric mower, went next to the riding mower, and now I don't have one and do not miss having one. But I did actually enjoy cutting the lawn when I had one.
Something I love doing!
Hahaha... this is cracking me up.
You fight boredom with a sword?
Oh wait first, I don't even know which one is you. ;)
A very good point, which one am I!!! Mohohowahr!!!
trembles in fear
Lol...I didn't think of that...Maybe Boomy is boredom! Hmm, you raise an interesting conundrum.
Lol... I knew someone would see things my way
You made a very persuasive argument and it's difficult to fault your logic.
tokens.Slaying boredom! Love it.
Oh man, you are such a handsome dude too...Such engaging eyes you have! And dude! You must hit the fucking gym eight days a week! Talk about built!
See those lean lines. Man, I own the gym!!! :0D
Do you even lift bro? Clearly you do.
Pushing tin, that's what we call it up here in the man gym
Well, pushing or pumping....Tin or iron...Arnie would be jealous of your bod! 🤔
#nosteroids #natural #boomyismassive
In the interests of keeping it clean I decided not to do the huddled in a corner masturbating picture :0D
Fucking hell...That would have won! I would have given you your 20 hive back for that for sure! Lol.
I bet you that tiny blade can't cut through the fearless, bold and scary boredom 👻
Puny!? By the gods, step lightly lest I turn it on you!!! ;0)
Oh my 🤭🤭🤭
I'm sorry my bravest warrior
Forgive thou humble servant 🙏🙏🙏🙇🙇
Raaaar, send me the meat of ten goatse's and I shall spare your village!!!!
Your kind Sir, I have something better 🙇🙇🙇
A truck load of sexy ladies in bikini ready to make your day a memorable one.
You can have ten of our maidens. Please sir, spare of village. 😥😥😥
Splendid, that's Monday sorted!!
Slim and tiny dude with brave mind. Interesting!👍😂
Slim? Morel like skeletal! Lol.
Haha, you are right!😅
Ninja... vanish!
Ohhhh... Now I get it! I couldn't see the word boredom ((I'm blind as a bat!!!))
I thought it was an interprative piece I was caught between...
A - Chasing the dragon...
B - Swordfighting against a giant sperm...
C - Tackling the very last coronavirus in Scotland...
I am glad somebody in the comments pointed out the word in question!
Have a smashing ((your word, not mine)) weekend Boomy :D
Hehe, you need never fear seeing an interpretive piece from me!
I hope you have a smashing weekend too mate! :0D
I am travelling from the dismal North down to rather snobby Chichester tomorrow to pack up the youngest's Uni apartment. On the evening we shall be staying in a hotel, you may remember them, from before the apocalypse? It's like a great big house with many, many bedrooms.
Cheers Boomy :D
We have only heard of such places in the wet m whispered Audra of the poshos. Hotels too, I had believed them a myth!
Oh Boomy I am through the looking glass here!
These people are so full of themselves, they hang clean strips of rag at the windows to show off to passers by and name them 'curtains.' I ask you, seriously!
This is scary 😲 😁
Hehe, scary in its handsomosity!
One of my favorite hobbies is reading a book while lying on the sand, listening to the sound of the waves and the birds in the background.
Yeah, this is me in Quetepe, reading "Sea Stone." I am just beginning to read the first sentence of the book: "Carolina, Marcos and I were sunbathing. We had a long time in the sand and I was feeling very good" When suddenly... WHAT?
Yeah, I got pooped by a bird.🤮
Reading on the beach is a legitimate way to spend some time...Getting aerial-pooped by a seagull not so much!
You know they say getting pooped on by a bird is good luck. I think that was just something someone made up who had just got pooped on by a bird! Lol.
Hahaha so they say! I just hope it's true
In your case I'm sure it is true..
Hopefully it was a small bird. 🥴
today.Lol, pooped by a bird, that means luck. I love the drawing by the way 🙂
haha thank you for appreciating it! It hurt a little bit to damage it with the bird poop xD
Lol, I know but there's nothing you can do, these things happen sometimes.
I don't really have much hobby but I really enjoy drinking coffee. I spend most of my free time on Hive platform whenever I can. I think I am not the only one.
Thanks for the engagement activity.
Seems a perfectly legit way to spend time...
Coffee (essential to life on earth) and hive! Alone they are just two things...Combine them and that's where the magic begins.
I must say...At least you have the right amount of fingers. My drawing has left me somewhat finger-challenged. I think my dad would call your drawing anatomically correct, and mine...Well, he'd have a chuckle and praise me for trying.
today.tbh thi is also me all day!
Looks like coffee and online fun go well together. I used to do that too but changed swapped coffee for tea two years ago.
I don't mean to brag but @hiddenblade contacted me privately about buying this masterpiece for $2000. What a cheapskate!!!
Well, just in case you're not artistic enough, this is me enjoying a football match with a beer

This looks exactly like you. The likeness is uncanny. You're a man of some artistic skill, I can tell talent when I see it.
I can hardly believe @hiddenblade has only offered $2,000 she'll be sorry when a collector picks it up and she finds out how priceless it actually is.
I've called the Louvre in Paris, to let them know this masterpiece is available...They've already removed the Mona Lisa and thrown it in the trash so this one can take its place.
This is one of those artworks that you make and afterwards you look at it and be impressed with your job. Everything from the shading, to all the detailing, was perfect. I'm going to reward myself with a beer
Grab that beer bro, you deserve it.
Michalangelo, Picasso...Belemo
All great artists names end with 'o'...You're in good company.
Ugh, I'm broke!!! :( I'll just accept I won't be able to collect his work forever :/
Lol...Save your pennies, you might one day have enough.
tokens.Hahaha now I look cheap AF for offering only 2k :( huhuhu broke ass, shame!
The bleeding knife...This is to cut the shawama or some poor bugger who also wants that last shawama? Lol.
I've got a pair of shorts exactly like those!
tokens.I could use one too, is there anything left? 😁
No @erikah so fun of you, hope you are good
Just for you XP
As you probably figured from my thoroughly boring progblogs and occasional actual art I really like drawing and 3d, even if it doesn't look it if you were to actually watch me doing it thanks to my resting bitch face XD
That coffee is critical
Yes I am boring
Coffee is essential to life on Earth!
Hmm, well I know how much time you spend on your rig working so...Good to see you pick up the pen and scribble up a picture for your entry. I tell you what, you've got some ninja-level concentration going on there.
Thanks for entering and also for your 30 hive towards the prize pool! Generous of you.
tokens.Another coffee drawing 🙂 No coffee, no life, right?
Sounds like too many of us are powered by coffee ;D
You'll be surprised to know the statistics 🙂
I like drawing!
Like, a lot!
So I drew me drawing myself.
Here's me drawing myself.
I like drawing!
I can see you have a coffee cup also...We all know coffee is essential to life on earth, and a requirement before anything can get done!
This is a pretty good drawing, almost too good, but I can see you've reigned in your skills and produced something suitable for a competition where
badanti-good drawing is more rewarded than good.Thanks for participating.
I should have draw with my other hand then :P .
But it would be crooked zigzags:)
Lol...Might have helped.
Nah, all good...Your entry was what I was looking for. At least you drew yourself, some didn't. Lol.
tokens.Wow, nice to see you entering the contest. I see you're left handed. Love your drawing, well done!
This is me hanging out on this very page at the weekend, dancing among drawings and comments.
I know I said I wouldn't participate this one, but my school English is not enough to chat casually, and writing posts and reading comments -especially the fun comments like these- really helps, so I couldn't resist to draw myself among them.
I'm glad you decided to enter...That's a lot of you's on that page...Nice dress too...Looks special!
I've stopped by here several times this weekend, so yeah, a lot of "me" with my holiday dress:))
By the way, this is only quarter of the comments!)
There have been a lot of comments. Almost 400 all up I think.
I was planning to use and put all of them in one picture, but I couldn't.
Lol...Too many to handle.
Yeah. It would be a some sort of souvenir for you;))
Anyways, I did what I could.
tokens.Lol, you're really having fun 😁
Hahha, yeah, it is fun to hang out on this page.
I remember going to the zoo with my parents when I was still very young.
There I didn’t look much at the animals, because I was totally fascinated by the little monorail train that was driving people around in the zoo.
Even at a very young age it was clear that I love technology 😂
What a great little picture! There's your mum trying to get you to look at the animals and all you're interested in is the train!
I hope you got a ride on the train...Or the rhino! 😂
My mum decided in that it would be better/safer to ride on the train rather then the rhino 🤣
I'd say she was quite sensible in deciding that for sure.
Quite the understatement 😝
Yes, it is a trait for many Australian people to make statements like this. Just our way; You know, stating the obvious. 🙂
I do like understatements and the subtleties of nuances in language a lot.
tokens.This is a selfie I drew - I'm not really this hot looking but I tarted things up a bit.
Hmm, such devilishly good looks! I don't mind your embellishments, none of us are quite as hot as we think we are. Lol.
tokens.You say this is terrible, but I'd hang this up on my fridge, without a doubt. If anyone asks, then I'll just say that my toddler drew it XD I wasn't planning on drawing anything, but then I thought that maybe a simple doodle could be a welcoming distraction from a downer of a week. But, problems arose!
Just for you, I was going to pop open Paint 3D. For reasons that I can never understand, it froze my computer and gave me the dreaded blue-screen of death. TWICE! This is quite literally the third time I had to write this comment, and it's bloody annoying. But anyways, my masterpiece was at least saved, and after 30 minutes later this is what I have to show.
This is something that I truly enjoy... running from my responsibilities. Write a post? Nah, I'm going to run away into the fields, and roll along with the dandelions. I didn't add any flowers, but I'm not going to risk another blue-screen :-(
This is not terrible at all and you should make a magnet out of it. It's fun.
I'm really glad this challenge exists, because as you say, it's incredible fun. Amazing to see how some silly doodling and chicken scratch sketches could bring so big a smile onto my face :-D
Well, I can see you are an expert runner...Probably very fast too considering how powerfully built your legs are! And that face bro, so handsome. No wonder them girlies chase you around hoping to snag you up for their boyfriend. You must leave them swooning in your wake!
Glad you entered.
Lol, I've been through many a leg days, so you know they're ripped! You see that girl in the house? She asked me out, but then I was like, "nah, going for a run... can't let those flowers enjoy nature by themselves you know?". Ran through some pretty ladies, but they're not getting in the way, hell no XD
In all honesty though, I'm genuinely proud of what I've created here. I didn't think that some silly doodling on Paint could herald such a masterpiece. How much you think a modern art collector could but this for... 1, maybe 2 million?
3 bazillion for sure mate...I know a few that may be interested in buying it!
I'm glad you exposed your massive legs mate, Arnie would be proud of them, and that you had a go at the competition.
Ah, thanks for the offer there. Hammer goes down for 3 bazillion dollars to Mr. G-Dog. SOLD! To be honest though, I'm somewhat concerned over the disproportionate ratio between the girth of my legs to my arms. My legs are ripped, but I think my arms need a lot more work done. 💪
More protein shakes mate...That'll make your arms massive...You don't even have to work out. Just drink protein shakes prior to non-workouts, and after. Lol...Read it in a magazine. 😂
I'll take you up on that, mate. You can always trust the magazines... Protein shakes for the win!
tokens.Well well I tried my best to not be the best. Gosh is this really me creating this? Ok I have to explain. There it is. Me. In my creative universe. The clouds with knowledge pour onto the brush and it puts my talent to good use. Books are everywhere, each with its message. Creativity is my sun in my dark times. Each drop of knowledge is like paint to a canvas, it enriches me. I will stop here to make this post short. Ah my look at my crazy curly hair😂😂
P. S. My world is often upside down. Intentional intention to make you flip your phone.Neck gymnastics never felt better😂🙃
There's a lot going on here, not least of which is your hair. I am sure your hairdresser is so proud that your hair has come out so stylishly...Such a lovely hair do.
I can see you've had to work hard at drawing badly and the effect has added a certain badness to this pictures which, in the context of this competition is in deed goodness, so I would have to say that you have mailed it.
Awww thanks, I knew it that I had a good hair day in this😂😂
Lol...Good hair day.
I'm not having one of those good hair days myself today...Just rolling with the this is how I woke up hair style. It seems to be working, but I'm off to Officeworks shortly, to enlarge some photos of my dad...I might frighten a few people...But they'll have to get over it. Anyway, it might start a new trend...Not as good as yours, but the next best thing.
Hahaha. Never know, you might start a new hair revolution. By the way , I said to myself I feel I want to add 20 hive for the drawing competition. Hope you received them. Creativity rewarded yupiiii
Hey Mary, I would't be surprised if you see people rocking out the just woke up G-dog hair do soon...It's happening. Lol.
Yep, I received your 20 hive, thank you so much for adding to the prize pool. There's going to be some very happy winners I think. I hope we get some more entries too. They have been really good so far, don't you think? I have edited the post, and the one I did today also.
Yes, I like that there is a lot of engagement going on. Nice to see adults going into artistic mode.
The just woke up look can be very trendy. As long as it doesn't freak people out. The sexy just woke up look is good, the I look like shit look... Not so much😂😂 But an awesome personality can pull both of those up with a smile on the face. I think you will soon have a lot of copycats.
tokens.My neck is stiff from twisting it. You look very busy here 😁
Hahahahha. Building neck muscle lol. Thanks, the mind of an artist is always super busy
Hello everyone!
I'm entering the fun with a drawing I have just finished and as it's been suggested, I had a lot of fun drawing.First of all, my deepest condolences @galenkp and @tarazkp.
It's me, recycling jeans and making bags, my newest passion.

I wrote more about it in my latest post.
Good luck everyone, let the funniest drawing win 😊
Hey Erika, thanks for your entry. I saw your post and kind words about the passing my my dad so thank you also for that.
I'm glad you entered my little #weekend-engagement competition and hope you will do so again each Friday.
You've put a nice picture together certainly showing what you love doing...Your excellent drawing shows up mine for sure... 😂
Thanks, I hope I can join next week, let's see what the topic will be. I'm a bit lost here, so I'll wait for the announcement post and see. 😄
Do, or don't, your choice.
tokens.Recycled jeans bag is the new black?
I certainly want one!
I don't know if it's the new black but that's what I'm doing. You can visit my Etsy shop 🙂
I'll check it out. What's the name of the shop?
Found it.
Yes! Have fun and let me know if you're interested in something 😜
I love the hair !
Lol, me too 😁
@Tarazkp @Meeterboom
A rockstar-ballerina huh? I like it! Music is a large part of my life so I get that part...I like dancing too, but am very bad at dancing myself and so don't do it...I content myself with enjoying watching other people dance.
Thanks for joining in on the #weekend-engagement topic and for sharing your drawing!
A rockstar ballerina indeed, im a rockstar while with friends because it brings so much fun , i feature in all genres and passion for music has made me love every sound of music provided it gives me a harmonous sound , and can dance to virtually all aswell
My best dancing is likely to occur if I was electrocuted by a police tazer...Not that it is likely to happen.
Hahahahahaha......you will never cease to amaze me, i can just
imagine the act or your dancing steps,the imagination is just running through my head, how many times do you get that from the police taser in a week or month;
That means at most ,you dont dance,huh?
tokens.Thank you so much,its my pleasure been here and participating in the weekend engagement was full fun
I dissagree with your submission, your drawing should have you hitting some bulls eye targets with some massive ammunition.😤.
Plus these days i hate coming to your post, not because they arent interesting but because so much comments hangs my phone, its annoying, sometimes i have to restart!/jeez
Lol...Yeah I was going to draw me slaying something with a rifle...But went the more natural option...A lovely hike in the Aussie outback. What you can't see is that I've got my rifle set up in a snipers hide in that copse of trees on the left...The rifle is aimed right at that kangaroo.
Yeah, I get a few comments sometimes huh? Sorry...I'm glad you come by though. Sorry for for crashing your phone! Lol.
Haha😂😂😂😂😂indeed........glad i came around mhn
tokens.OK, here goes nothing: me with a curvy girl on the beach and a McDonalds ApplePie Tree
Bringing sexy to the competition huh? Nope, I don't mean you, I mean the curvy girl.
I can tell you've had plenty of experience with curvy girls as you have drawn her totally anatomically correctly! You could have drawn her in a bikini, but there will be many around the place that will be pleased you didn't, right @belemo?
Now, McDonalds apple pie tree? Where can an Aussie bloke get himself one of those?
Nice entry, and exactly what I had in mind when I announced the topic. Thanks for joining in, and I hope will do so again next week.
I wasn't sure if it needs nsfw tag
Lol...It was borderline, but nah, you're good bro.
I showed my wife...She cracked up laughing, as did I.
I don't know if you read my whole post, but I lost my dad a couple days ago. He was an amazing artist, (exhibitions around the world and all), and I did this week's topic in his honour.
I'm pretty sure he would look at your work and smile, but would encourage you and praise your efforts. So, well done mate. You brought us a laugh, which is welcome at this point in time, and you would have done my dad proud with your
amazingopposite of good effort...Which is exactly what I was hoping for. Nice work bro!Thanks! I actually only read the post https://hive.blog/hive-174578/@galenkp/have-some-fun-and-win and then started drawing something in the spirit of all the other pictures I saw. I even saw the title "draw yourself" only after I submitted... happy to hear that I really hit the mark without knowing about it :D.
At some point I even thought about adding "equipment" to myself but I thought it might spoil an otherwise harmless picture.
Ah ok.
Yellow sand, ocean water, apple pie tree and a sexy girl. It feels like something I've dreamt of.
Such brilliant realism
Lol...Haven't we all!
tokens.I could have sworn I've seen this picture hanging in an art gallery somewhere. Such brilliance.
Thanks! :D
Yep! I know what you are thinking but you are wrong. It may look like it's a drawing of a kid, but I made it myself. I drew it that way because I want to be free, funny, crazy, and wacky.
This is me(the color brown) painting some abstract in the canvas(the orange rectangle). I like painting and drawing abstract because there are no rules. I can do want I want and express freely what I feel. And I love making people guess what I draw. I feel happy when they get it right.
Looks perfectly like what I expected people to draw! This was never intended to be an art contest...More an adults drawing like kids contest. You nailed it.
tokens.not an artist by far and surely not creative!! But me and the kits will try

Bad is good in this competition! I think you did pretty well indeed! Great effort. I like the face on that cat on the extreme left. He's like, do I really have to stand over here? Hurry up so I can go back to sleep!
Thanks for joining in Pooky.
tokens.My entry finally 😊

Since I have been spending most of my time on the farm doing so really hard work with manual weeding I decided to draw myself on the farm weeding while my uncle is on the palm 🌴 tree and my little sister behind me all at the yam farm. Goodluck to me 😉
Thanks for entering with such a cool picture of you on the farm. It looks like a lot of work, but from effort comes reward I guess. Thanks for entering.
tokens.A beautiful potrait of me fighting Corona by always staying safe, even as the lockdown in my country Nigeria is being eased and things are moving back to normalcy gradually.
Good conceptual drawing. Also good to hear that restrictions are lifting. Thanks for participating.
You're welcome @galenkp and yes the lockdown has been eased thank you.
tokens.Thank you @misterengagement
Here’s my entry for the contest, sorry it’s late in the timing lol the little man wouldn’t fall asleep hehe. I couldn’t do the double I wanted but this was a lot of fun!
My weekend summed up. Working on cutting down the trees and shit, the wife sitting back thinking ‘ugh what’s happening here’ and the little man doing something he shouldn’t lol
Haha, little fella throwing shit at dad while dad has a chain saw in his hands. That'll test you out. Siena kicking back watching the big man wield that chainy in awe of your sexy masculinity. Legit weekend drawing!
tokens.Bump Me up another 10 @galenkp.
Here are my scribbles.

Lol. Having no body means a huge cost saving from not having to buy shirts and jumpers. (Sweaters) makes sense.
Thanks for adding your artistic skills to the mix. I think collectively we could add all these entries together and do a world tour exhibition. People pay to see them right?
Thanks for the extra hive, I'll amend the post. Classy mate. Much appreciated.
Great Contest Bro.!
Eight is enoughNine is too many kitty pride are now all identical twins...And it worked man. @pooky-jax is in the mix. I laughed my fool ass off when I seen her submission. It seems that ourI hope this engage contest has given you a chance to smile a bit and take a break from the rough week.
Sending pawz-ative vibes and love to You both, and Cleo too.!
Lol...I saw Pooky's entry. My favourite cat is the one on the extreme left of the picture. He's like what the ever-loving fuck do I have to stand here for? Gold.
I'm hoping that this concept endures as people seem to like it and in my humble opinion feel that it is a good way for people to get themselves out there, get more known, and in a fun way. I've had a few comments in Discord from a few pretty big accounts who applaud my effort. I wish more smaller accounts would come on board. I mean, for next to no effort they could win a pile of hive, probably more than they weekly posting might earn them, and get to expose themselves here. No-brainer right?
Thanks for your 20 hive mate. I've been blown away with the response from sponsors. Boomy and my bro have always supported my hair-brained engagement schemes, but you, Ry, and M also...Been so cool and with 140 hive in the pool...Not too bad huh?
It's been a tough few days and today I'll be writing dad's eulogy and working on the service itself. We are ok, as ok as we can be, but it's been a nice distraction to come here, write a few comments, look at some of the most fucked up artwork I've ever seen adults produce...AND I DIG IT!
You're a champ mate...I appreciate it.
tokens.I feel like an angry slave.
tokens.Thank you
"Angry slave."
I wonder if there were any happy ones? Lol.
Thanks for your entry. Much appreciated.
There is enough kind of weirdness on earth =)
Hi @galenkp no paper in the house can you believe, only documents but I did say I would do something so you get to see my first ever attempt at drawing with a mouse, probably came out better than expected, as a life long surfer I thought I would give this a go to remind me what i'm missing. I think the belly is about the right scale. Signed copies are available on request, I will be releasing this as in a limited run of 10 copies first come first served. All rights belong to me so no stealing this and trying to make your fortune.
Lol...Signed copies you reckon? You'll be doing a world tour and book signings before long.
Legit picture though, captured your true likeness. Even if someone totally unrelated to you sent me this I would know it was you.
My agent agrees, she said it captures my rugged good looks. Limited edition copies is enough for now, the tour can come later.
Seen some cool entries fella, much worse than mine so I think I failed the task.
You failed, which is actually a success, strangely enough, in this particular competition. I announced the winners. See the post. 😂
Cool recognition for my art, cheers buddy and good luck with the week ahead of you.
Thanks mate, it's is an honour simply to stand close to your artistic greatness.
Have a nice week too.
I think you're just angling for a signed copy:)
tokens.Cool thanks.
My condolences @galenkp and @tarazkp . Losing a loved one is nothing light.
This is me destroying the obstacles in my way. I've been staring at them for a long time but now they gotta move.
So BLAM!!!
Destroying obstacles in a person's way is one of the most important tasks they can do so it's great to see you getting it done!
Thanks for entering and good luck!
tokens.Behold the work of Leonardo De Scubahead. Well I hope at the very least it makes you smile bro 😆.
Lol...Well Leonardo, it is well (for everyone who has entered) that this particular art contest is about the opposite of good...That is to say, anti-goodness!
I see so much to like here in your artwork...From the shark that looks like it wants to take a bite of your very skinny (skeletal) ass, to the crab that has somehow made it through life with a few arms missing. This is not to detract from the fact you are about 32% longer than your dive-boat, or is it perspective I see here? Masterful my friend.
I also love how you have defined your age in the image...49.5...A whipper-snapper compared to my ancient and wisdom-filled age of 50! It's like you had to clarify that you were indeed not 3 years old.
Ah, Leonardo de Scubahead, you have added a great artwork here, one that I am sure will endure throughout the ages and someday hang in the Louvre itself!
Thanks for your reblogs too Leonardo. Grazie mille.
Douteshimashite :) Glad it made you smile man
You know, I was not going to do the #weekend-engagement post this week because I just lost my dad...But I decided to do it and I'm glad I did.
I know my dad would get a real kick out of it...Although he would be terrible at the contest...He never had the ability to draw badly...He just didn't have it in him. Lol.
sorry for your loss mate, is why I'm glad it made you smile. I was chuckling doing it today so he's made us both smile today indirectly
We're a couple of chuckling-buggers then huh? A good state to be in I think. :)
Most definitly😂
tokens.Awesome. Thank you for that.
Accept my heartfelt condolences 😔....your drawing is way better than mine 😁
Well, we will see how bad (or good) your drawing is if you enter. There's some good prize money on offer so might be worth a go huh?
Thanks for your kind thoughts and words. I appreciate it.
tokens.Glad you made it here @mesonia.
I will have to get my pen out and put it away wet.
Transferred the 20 and will share this weeks onward :)
put it away wet..
Saucy minx
I will not be asking to borrow that pen...:-p
:D if you did, you would have to get in line ;D
Hey, I'll bang in 20 too if you want to up the prize money :0)
Done...I'll edit. Thanks Boomy, you are a gentleman.
No, you're a gentleman!!! :0D
Aww, cheers mate, that's nice.
Don't make me blush or I'll come down their and get the leathery stick out!
Some love the leathery stick you know...
I've not been keeping up with your posts for some time, so sorry about merlin and your dad, i pray they rest in peace. I'm definitely going to enter for this challenge. Stay well
Thank you for your sentiments. My heart broke in two this week, loosing little Merlin and my dad...But we will remember both and keep their legacy alive. Thanks for your thoughts and I look forward to your entry.
As I draw myself I'll stylishly sit by back and watch other wacky artists like me draw themselves.
Your drawing is beautiful for someone who claims not to know how to draw.
I'll recommend framing this picture as a reminder of how wonderful you are in drawing 😂😂😂
Haha! Stop teasing me! Lol.
No not at all. It's the truth. I'm still battling with my pen here.
I have this idea of drawing something but if I pick up the pen I fumble and drop it.😂😂
Get it done Becki...Every entry is a good one. You've got all weekend though, so take your time.
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So sorry about about your dad and Merlin.
I'll definitely make an attempt at this week's weekend engagement
I thought that that animal on the left is a koala, it's totally recognizable. And the kangaroo too of course. So that's not bad drawing at all!
So hard to choose one thing that I like to do to draw about. And since @meesterboom already tackled the boredom subject, I can't draw that. What to draw... what to draw...
So sorry to hear about Merlin too. :(
Draw dogs!! If in doubt draw dogs, that's what the masters teach in the secret halls!!
Draw literally anything and you'll be good to go. I'm sure you'll come up with something cool though. Looking forward to it.
Thanks for recognising that the creature on the left was a koala...Totally legit right? 😁
Hmm, Merlin. Yeah, he was my little mate and I miss him so much. I call out for him sometimes by mistake...So sad. Cleo misses him too but she's getting all the hugs now...She loved it.
Sound good! I will definitely participate in this contest. I think this a great opportunity for all the independent artists on Hive.
Should be good. Keep it creative and fun...Looking forward to your picture.
I am on it, man! Yesterday morning unexpected things happened to me, 3 thieves came to our house in the morning. I tried to catch them all but caught only one.
Sorry for the late reply, I was so tired yesterday and I slept early.
Three people broke in? Wow, I hope everyone is safe! Do what you have to do, enter when you can. There's still time.
Three thieves, going in three different directions,Which way I should go?
Lol...I was hoping for a drawing about your recent escapades with the thieves...And here you are obliging me!
Quite clearly you couldn't chase down each one. In this situation I would have gone after thief 3...He looks slightly fatter than the other two and so probably runs slower.
I can see the determination in your face though and so understand that no matter which one you went after you were going to catch him!
Thanks for joining in and I hope you got that situation under control and the other two get caught by the authorities.
I went straight and boomed! I caught one of them. Actually, I never tried to draw any cartoon before, all the credit goes to you and your brother @tarazkp for organizing such a beautiful contest which made me draw some crazy cartoons. I have fun 😂😂
tokens.Sorry about your cat, but drawing is definitely something I'm good at. So this one's s for me
Yes, my cat and my father passed away this week. It is very sad. I'll wait to see your entry come through. Good luck.
An artist talking, wow😃😃
I wish I was a good as you in drawing 😔
Hi, sorry for the late reply. Still getting used to this😩, are you an artist?
My 2 year old niece can draw better then me :V. If i try to paint something, mine would look like a crow walking on canvas while he accidentally dipped his feet in paint. LOL. Id get her to draw something instead. Her first commission ever, traded against a raspberry lollipop. XDXD
Well, you can't win hive without entering...Your niece will probably do a better job than me too...Might as well get her to draw it...Don't worry about child-labour laws...No one will ever know!
Then i should create a hive account for her EH!. She will give all the other contestants a run for their money, lol..
On a serious note, my thinking is if she continues to draw so well, I might push her parents to admit her in some art school.
What happenes in blockchain, stays in blockchain XDXD.
Yep...The blockchain is a safe space. No one reads my posts anyway! 😂
No shit mate!! I read your posts, word by word, like many others.. Sorry im replying this late, i'm feeling a bit under the weather, so.. Got dehydrated yesterday and now paying the price. God forbid but ill not be surprised if its COVID.
But atleast ive got your posts to keep me company.. Will have great chats like before as soon as my sickness goes away.. :)
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. You'll get better though and it's a good time to spend on hive engaging. I find that helps my mood. Get well soon.
Haha nice this is a really fun contest! I will have to crack out the pencil and see what I can come up with!
@knowhow92 want to get in on this with some skating?!
Lol...Don't get too good...Not looking for good really. 😂
My drawing skills are probably wors...I mean better than yours, no worries dude lol
Lol...Go and look at @tarazkp's entry...No one knew (until now) he is actually 3 years old!
I am not gonna participate this one; still, I am hanging out here because I know it'll be fun.
Fair enough.
Haha, I thought you would insist.
I am a bit disappointed.
No, no. I won twice and I wanna quit at the top:)) - that I would write if you had insisted.
It's not about winning, it's about engaging. No worries though. If a person doesn't want to be participate then I'm not going to insist. It has to be voluntary or it's not fun. Many have said they will enter and haven't over the weeks and many more have ignored it. Either way it's all good, if you feel disinclined to enter than maybe you'll chose to engage with some of the entries instead.