I'm in my fifth year on the blockchain and despite an initial reluctance due to my dislike of social media I'm still here and engaged. I write a few things here and there, make a comment or two and generally try to represent myself as well as possible; it's mostly been a lot of fun. original im src
Sometimes I'm asked what keeps me here, how I stay motivated and, most often, how I stay as engaged as I am. All great questions and all with the same simple answer. You. Yeah...You.
It's the people that keep me connected, interested in connecting, and whilst I may not be to everyone's taste there's enough people who seem happy to connect with me. Sometimes a person drifts into my sphere and leaves a comment or I'll see a post that sparks an interest in me and I scratch the surface of that person a little. It's nice to do so and I've enjoyed those connections greatly. This post is about one such person.
I thought so anyway.A little while ago I ran into @edenmichelle and came to understand she was a singer, songwriter, producer and DJ. I know right, impressive. We conversed on posts occasionally and it became apparent was that she was very good;
What's super-cool is all that singing and song-writing is not something she does in the basement, it's her job; She's a professional artist. Eden is out there making things happen in the real world; Grinding it, working hard, setting aside fear and doubt and getting after it. I'm a reward for effort guy and so I respect that, and that she remains grounded
She's talented, multi-faceted and, from what I can tell, is an incredibly creative and driven young lady who knows a little something about the reward for effort ethos. I'm pleased to have connected with her.
Eden, under the professional name Eggsta, has just released her latest track and I felt inclined to share it with y'all because I think it's cool that this hive-personality is making things count out in the real world and the track is kind of smooth.
Eden wrote the lyrics, music and did the production-work on this track (I told you she was good) and collaborated with Lee Cole on the final product so take a listen and go visit her account and show her some hive-love ok? She's legit.
I've linked another track from YouTube called You and I that I find really beautiful - She has a lovely voice indeed. I hope you'll take a listen for yourself and maybe head over to her posts and give her a shout-out.
New release: BAE - Eggsta feat. Lee Cole
Eggsta: You & I (acoustic)
I was five years old when I began to play the piano and all my life have been moved through music. One doesn't need to be a musician to be touched by it though, connected through it. Music has incredible power for all who open themselves to it.
Music can reach within and take hold, move a person deeply and bring people together across vast distances through space and time itself; it connects people when other things cannot. It's beautiful and to have the chance to reach out and thank the artist directly, like I can with Eden, is special, or so I believe.
So, thank you Eden. 😏
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
I have thanked you on discord - but I would like to express my sincere thanks for supporting me in this way. It really means a lot to have people like you out there.
It's my pleasure Eden. 😏
I know - and appreciate you for that.
Proud of you Eden - and may this song become a No1 hit - great blog @galenkp
Thanks mate; your sister is a talent and I'm grateful to have the chance to directly thank an artist whose music I like. I see you've also got a few things going on so all the best with that also. ✅
Thank you very much
What a wonderful tribute to Eden @galenkp - appreciate your support so much. Eden will not disappoint us as she goes from strength to strength
She's legit, but you already know this. She seems do down to earth and grounded to me, picked up through her posts mainly, and I'd say I'm on the money with the hard worker comment. She's a keeper.
She sure is - and this is going to be a fun journey
A pool of talent to swim around. That's why it is so interesting to keep looking and finding new things. It sounds awesome. A great level of musical production and music, well, top class. You should be the talent hunter of hive. There's always interesting people in these posts.
Lol...G-dog: Talent hunter.
I really like Eden's music and I hope my post gets a few reblogs because the blockchain needs to get behind her...As with all the talented individuals out there getting after it!
I totally agree. There's high hopes for that happening.
I totally agree. There's high hopes for that happenng
Proud of you little sister @edemichelle. @galenkp - great article
Thank you, it's a pleasure to spotlight Eden.
I'm your No1 fan - but then you know that !! So excited for the radio play. Thanks @galenkp
You're welcome.
Thank you, @galenkp!
Thank you for bringing to our attention a colleague, a colleague so talented and so determined to become an artist, a musician. I think there are so many special people we don't know, we don't have time to look for them, we don't have time to understand them ...
Because of this, it is good to recommend to those who read us or interact with us when we find a special colleague.
I really liked @edenmichelle and I don't mean music now. I liked how she presents himself and how she writes, I like those who don't hide, they are not shy to present their life in front of us (and, on the other hand, I don't like those who hide, from their identity under an avatar and we wonder if we have in front of us a man, a woman or a teenager who can laugh about us) ...
Faithless, in transition with today's music).About music, I'm not a connoisseur of the music that is being played now, I remained anchored in old music, and in this perspective, @edenmichelle, in the second video, reminds me of Dido (which I perceived as a kind of bridge between the old rock I listened to towards newer music, with
Eden is more than obvious that she is talented and I hope she succeeds in her activity.
Of course, I have become a follower and I will try to support her here, following her posts and recommending her to my acquaintances.
Hi there @bluemoon I agree in that it's a nice thing to support others in the community as there are so many out there doing great things, or who could benefit from a little support. It was an easy thing to support Eden, and I'd do it again.
We all like different types of music and you clearly have your own interests however that doesn't mean we can support others as you have done. It feels nice I think right?
Thanks for your comment and for taking the time to support one of our hive friends. 😊
Your article is great, @galenkp! Eden's music and singing are marvelous! Her mother @christinepoulos and all her family must be very proud of her, her talent! (I reblogged the post, of course!)
Thanks Olga, I appreciate it and your comment. I'm sure Eden's family are very proud of her and so they should be. A lovely voice huh?
Eden has such a smooth, melodious voice that entices you to take the ride with her. It was no accident that you ran into each other here on Hive. You have an uncanny ability to attract people here on the platform and in real life as well, friending and making different types of relationships, everywhere you go. You are, in fact, a friend indeed.
Thank you for sharing her with us. I took her home with me so that I could share her with others. She is so very lovely, and, so is her voice.
Hi Swigs, yes she is lovely and lovely of voice and I hope she achieves what she has set out to attain; deserves it. One of the good ones I think.
Thanks also for your kind words. I'm a bit of a knucklehead mostly, but I get lucky sometimes, run into some nice people. 😊
Not a chance. I have met knuckleheads and they don't look anything like you. 😁
Looks can deceive. Like the cover of a book, it's only once the pages are turned does one truly know what's within.
Well I have to admit that you're right but because I don't think that way it didn't even occur to me. Stop answering me when I'm trying to think of my superpower. Lol
My super power is interrupting people whilst they write about their super power.
Mine is always running off just when it gets fun. Breakfast meeting. Yahoo! Need that beauty sleep!
Keep the songs coming. Greatness in store for you. Design and create your ideal life - I like that - you are humble and kind
I try to be as the alternative isn't very appealing.
Thanks for your comment.
A really nice tribute @galenkp.
Bae and your posts about your family adventures. You do great work and your love for what you do shines through in your music. It is a beautiful thing when you can do what you love for a profession and I have the utmost respect for everyone that pursues their passion against adversity to follow that calling. I know it takes a lot of hard work to get there and you have done that.@edenmichelle I really enjoy that track
Eden I wish you all the greatest success going forward and look forward to hearing your songs for years to come.
Have a good one.
legit Eden herself.Hey @andrastia, thanks for reading and commenting plus your nice words about the
I think your comment about passion, adversity and hard work comes from personal experience and that's what gives it weight.
Thanks for commenting.
You're most welcome @galenkp she's a hard working gal, I foresee great things in her future :)
It can be pretty nice/cool to be able to directly tell someone you admire their work.
I have played a few different instruments over the years. I was, and am, not very good at them but I got to make some music so that was cool. Now I just stick with listening to others who are better at it than me.
It would be good to have Eden's talent for sure, I do not, but I guess everyone has their strengths. I'm good at being a knucklehead.
From drawing to mosaic - Dreaming about What ? and
Dusty Rag - Tuba Skinny guitar cover. Sad to say, I have not heard from him for a year or two, and his last post was three months ago.
I love this tribute to a musician you met here! I've met a few myself first one to come to mind is @bakingjazzpower - living in France composing and playing music like Django Rheinharts, something I never would have known if not for Hive. His artwork is awesome too. E.g. So many, many good people here at Hive (and before that, Steemit), and you are one of the best! I'm glad you persisted (five years, now? I've been here since....June 2017!) despite your understandable objections to social media. #Connecting, making connections - that's why I'm still here too, though I often drift away for a spell.
Thank you for your encouragement and support of smany Hivers!
Hi Carol, yes into my fifth year, as I started in 2017. It's been enjoyable mostly. Thanks for your nice comments.
Hi Carol !!
Indeed I'm not very present on the internet lately.
After buying a house, I am currently in the roofing and masonry work!
But from September I will have more time and I intend to come back with an album recorded during this year which includes 13 compositions. I hope to be able to present it to you soon!
Thank you so much for this very nice message!
Hope you and your loved ones are doing well!
Buying a house, working a day job in construction, recording and album with thirteen compositions - what, you couldn't find tme for Steemit/Hive? LOL. Congratulations on the hew home and the new album and I look forward to hearing it. :)
Wow, loving the You and I vocals and classic piano sound coming off the keyboard. Thanks for the intro. Now Following @edenmichelle for more! This girl has talent! Keep it up!
A great talent indeed, one I'm happy to know and promote.
She is a very talented young lady, I loved her music , of course she deserves our support, I'm going to visit her account and give her some hive love, also reblog.
Hey there! Yeah, she really is. Seems a nice person too so a double win. Keep an eye on her, something tells me she'll do great things. Is already.
@galenkp Canta muy bonito y sí hay mucho talento digno de apreciar. tiene una voz muy bonita . Le deseo mucho éxito y muchos corazones. @edenmichelle hay que seguir adelante Hay que seguir adelante, dando siempre lo mejor, no te canses, hay mucha gente que te sigue y una de ellas soy yo, @galenkp
I wish I spoke/read Spanish, but I do not. Sorry. Music transcends language though.
we must move forward You have to keep going, always giving your best, don't get tired, there are many people who follow you and one of them is me.@galenkp He sings very beautifully and yes there is a lot of talent worth appreciating. he has a very nice voice . I wish him much success and many hearts. @edenmichelle.
She certainly sings beautifully, I'm glad you think so also. :)