Well, the 4 judges only speak english so it would be very difficult for us to be fair to a post written in a different language. It's something to think about for next time, but this is an initiative devised by me, and supported by the three others and unfortunately english is our first language.
I speak some Italian and French but it would be impossible for me to judge a post in either of those languages fairly as my skill in them is extremely limited.
I hope you may still enter in english though. We are not focused on the punctuation, the spelling and such...We understand that people from all over the world will enter so...We will make allowances. We just need to see passion, personality and effort.
I hope this helps @janaveda.
Thanks for the clarification. So, there is no other way, Of course, I wish to participate in this initiative, beyond obtaining the delegation, the important thing is to interact and learn with the experience, I just hope that my English is enough to communicate coherently and win new friends here at Hive around the world through this digital space.
Take care a lot @galenkp
Yes, I'm sorry but we are limited to english at this point. Here's the thing though, you reached out to me and we are engaging now...that is exactly what this is all about, so you have already benefitted.
Please enter as many times as you like knowing we will be taking into account language barriers. It will be difficult to select a post that is clearly incoherent, although based on the english you display so far I would think that wouldn't happen.
I'm looking forward to seeing your entries. Just follow the entry criteria guidelines and you're good to go.