This is a nice way to say it...Maybe you should write my posts for me!
We visited many castle's, old manor houses and historical sites, ancient and not so ancient...I always feel something though, maybe it's that in tune part of me that allows me to do so.
I love history as I find it more interesting than what is going on now, certainly more interesting than most people who are considered interesting these days (Kim Kardashian for example) so I look backwards. I'm rarely disappointed with what I find, at least as far as finding enjoyment and a way to fill my need for knowledge goes.
Thanks for your comment. Much appreciated. I hope you're having a good weekend.
I could never do the story justice like you do.
I've been finding myself appreciating history more and more over the years, both modern and ancient. Life and humanity, the earth and the universe are so wonderous. The is so much meaning to it all while largely remaining such an unsolvable mystery.
I think you are a lot more in tune with this stuff than a lot of people seem to be. It's a reminder to me to slow down and get more in tune myself.
Re: The Kardashians. I couldn't agree more.
I am having a great weekend. My sister in law got married at our house today. Very small intimate wedding and it was quite enjoyable.
Hope you had a great weekend too!
A wedding huh? Nice...I like that fact it was an intimate affair, weddings are out of control these days. Nice to hear that two people decided to make it about them, their union, and not an Andrew Lloyd Webber stage production as often is the case these days.
I like history because you know where you stand...Sure, you won't get the full details, can't live it, but you can see things much more clearly than the current mixed up muddled world in which we live in now. I like seeing the start, middle and end that delving into history gives me.
Anyway, I think people sometimes get an appreciation of it as they get a little older. I was saying to Faith today, during a discussion about the current pro-black movement, that the answers to our present and future lie in the past...But no one wants to look. Why are we all still having the same issues as we did in the past? Because no one has looked into the past, seen what happened and the results, and is willing to make a change. They talk about change then loot, steal and terrorise in the name of that change...But fast forward a little bit and they'll all be doing exactly the same things they always were.
Enough said I think, it's starting to sound like a political rant, and that's not really my style. Here.