Dream maker device...Of course it is.
I'll be honest, I didn't know where this was going when I read the word vibration but dream-maker device is a legitimate destination.
I liked shirt off/swooning girl aspect, so Mills and Boon romance novel and slightly risqué.
I think you nailed it here, again.
[Now, how do I make this thing work...There is hive to moon!]
It is rather hard to think after reading all the comments already from the last seven hours, and there were a lot. Everyone it seemed had seen the boobs, so I had to work that in with the what the heck is this thing concept as if no one had seen one before.
It's funny, I thought people would make their comments refer to the item, but most relate to the numbers on the screen. It's Asher's fault for getting his baps out. He started it. #blockchainbadboy