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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement week eight: Who were you? [Win hive for your comment]

in OCD5 years ago

Lol...I got to the end of this comment and thought, with a quizzical expression on my cavemanish face, where the fuck is the rest of it?

So...Yeah I'm sure MCM (microwave cooking matters) was a catchphrase back in the caveman days...Or would it be more appropriate to say caveperson?

It seems mental health was also invented that far back...When people felt depressed and mental about the lack of said microwave ownership. Still, I'm sure if they wanted one they wouldn't have just expected to get one, in the way people have the expectation-ethos these days...No! They would have got one the old fashioned way...By going into someone's cave and clubbing them to death and taking theirs! Isn't mankind great? Or should I say personkind.

Just on another note...I almost wish I didn't change the name to fire. It would have been awesome to see people yelling yellow hot thing at firing squads, cannon and gun firings to initiate the firing yellow hot thinging of the weapon.


Lol...I got to the end of this comment and thought, with a quizzical expression on my cavemanish face, where the fuck is the rest of it?

Perhaps I am learning??? Nope... I don't think so either!

Three cheers for personkind indeed :D For a second it almost sounded like you were about to suggest that our glorious mammalian species had developed an entitlement philosophy. I'm glad you didn't because I would have been forced to declare that as offensive maybe even hate-speech.

Then society would've had the right to silence you and who knows, in this day and age you may have even been yellow hot thinged from your job.

Isn't personking great?