I had me a Lexus. IS250 Sport Luxury. The best car I ever owned from an all-round perspective. I regret moving it on, but I got an Audi A5 coupe so that was cool too...Still, loved my Lexus and should have kept it, or got another one.
You know, I've had two cars that Faith as truly loved...The Lexus and my Ford F100 pickup. Even now she wishes I hadn't sold them.
You and Faith have good tastes in cars then, as the IS is a pretty great car. It's a jack of all trades, plus its endlessly reliable, and built like a tank, too! I do miss the old IS-F though, the madly sporty version of the IS that competed against the BMW M3. They stopped making those, but I'd really love to see a new one...
Like I said in my original message, or IS was our favourite car. I'll get another.
Please do! It's the perfect two-car garage between that, and the Land Cruiser. Both are quite indestructible too, as Toyotas and Lexuses usually are. In a household where Grouchy cheekily steals your wheels, and catches things on fire, it's an important consideration, I think 😁
Grouchy will not be getting the keys to my LC or my IS! I'd unravel his little fucking ass and use him for show laces!
Jeez, that's a bit harsh. But seeing what he's done to your Defender, I guess it's fair. He's deserving of a bit of Aussie smack down.