Hi Vikthor and thanks for reading my post. I appreciate that.
There's so many elements required to come together to create life and some are not within our ability to control or influence. That's what make it so important to take those we can affect and bend them towards our best life/best version image and ideal. To not do so is irresponsible in my mind. We are all responsible to ourselves.
Self control is an important element of life; the ability to take ownership, responsibility, and action...To make plans, set goals and move towards them...Have the discipline to do so. Stay driven, but also humble and kind. All so important.
It sounds like you're the sort of person to do so and I wish you all the best now and in the future.
Thanks for your great comment.
Yes, indeed, you are right. Those who know better should teach others who wish so and are similar in many ways to them their teachings on life, including responsibility, accountability, honesty, trustworthiness, and many others (progress and evolution in a nutshell). Thank you very much for your very kind words on me as well. :)
You're most welcome. 😊
Thank you very much once again and all the best! Keep up the good work! :)