Welcome to Hive, I think you'll fit in well. ✅
I have cognitive thought, can reason through problems, right and wrong, good and bad and even managed to learn how to count to
ten, twenty with the use of my fingers and (cute) toes.
Welcome to Hive, I think you'll fit in well. ✅
I have cognitive thought, can reason through problems, right and wrong, good and bad and even managed to learn how to count to
ten, twenty with the use of my fingers and (cute) toes.
Hello @galenkp, so nice to receive your reply and welcome I appreciate it in so many ways; let me count them...(Hang on, I have to take my slippers off as there's twenty ways at least.)
This is me counting...Made it to two so far.
Oh yes, I've seen that and would like to join in, it looks fun!
The cat high five...One of mine does that. ❤️
My dog just barks, sharing bad breath.
High fives only when he wants something, real bad like dinner...., you do know cats have servants, dogs have masters 🙃
Oh yes, I am at the beck and call of my cats, but I don't mind. I love them with all my heart.
Any pet is fun to have!
Oh yes, I'd be lost without mine.