The fire

in OCD5 years ago

This is my fire. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

I made this fire in the Flinders Ranges several hours from home in the mid-north of South Australia. My wife and I had left society, and people in general, far behind and had headed north in search of...

Solitude and a personal recharge.

For some, being so far away from others can feel a little strange. There's no one else to rely on and a certain degree of confidence and ability is required; One must be self-reliant. For us, that distance between us and others is what brings the solitude we often crave, and the recharge we need.

Fire is an important element of these trips...It provides warmth, a heat-source for cooking and a great deal of comfort; Campfire's are simply legit. If you've ever sat around a campfire in the middle of nowhere, watching the flames dance, listening to it crack and pop as it consumes the wood, tiny glowing embers flying away overhead...Well...You'll know what I mean. It's cathartic.

I'll admit, I've been feeling restless for a little while; I guess a few months or so now. I think it's a combination of a reasonably heavy work-load at the office and some pressures around my elderly father and Faith's mum who has just exited a fairly titanic battle with cancer. I just feel a little wound up I suppose.

Things are ok, I can't complain of course, but I need to...Well, I guess to zone out, stop thinking all the time and...Just poke a stick at a fire in some remote area away from society, people and the daily grind I suppose. It's not asking for too much is it?

I love the routine of life around a campsite; It feels basic and uncomplicated. Food, shelter and warmth are the three basic human needs and I find the activities around those three most primal needs to be intensely soothing and relaxing. Camping removes everything but those needs and the repetitive actions around them.

After a day of basic thoughts and activities there's little better than sitting around a fire, watching it burn down to glowing embers, whilst a billion stars emerge above. It is one my favourite things to do and I find it extremely relaxing...It brings me that personal recharge I mentioned above.

I have many ways in which I manage stress, complications and the fast-paced life Faith and I lead; Mostly all very effective. Poking sticks at campfires isn't always possible but I get after it at every opportunity. I get the feeling I need it now. It'll be a few weeks before I can do it though, so will have to hang out that little bit longer.

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺


Quality fire mate, I love sitting and starting into the flames. And poking the stick at a good fire, it just doesn't get better!

I need fire right now. Maybe a bear-skin rug to wrap around me whilst I sit at the fire. Feeling like I need to get my caveman-on ya know? Maybe all this virus shit is just wearing me down. I need to escape society for a while.

I can't right now though...Just gotta soldier cave-man on. [Sigh]

#needlego #needfire


I know, dude. I am the same way. Kinda hoping this virus shit comes to a head and we can go full cave man for a while. I tell you though. I wouldn't mind a good bear skin!!

Maybe a steem-bearskin-fire event should be organised?


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I also like to stare at the dancing flames, as they have such mystical and peaceful stories to tell ones mind. Lovely post mate.
Blessings from South Africa.

Hey there...Thanks for your comment.

Campfires captivate me, the whole tone and mood around a camping event in general really. I need some of that right now...This virus stuff is wearing me down.

I hope things are well for you in SA, here in Australia there's a feeling of impending doom...There's not much positivity around lately. I'm trying to keep it real though, and to stay energised. What else is there to do?

Thanks for your comment again, much appreciated.


HOPE, my friend, our lives over here we built on the foundation of Hope. And it has never let us down. Impending doom is a great tool of "the dark", and it sows dissent and fear continuously. It's cousin, panic, is also hard at work and we see it here.
Great that you are trying to keep it real, and to stay energised - the best way to go!
Thank you kindly for the "ENGAGE 30" gift.
Hope you guys have a good weekend.
Blessings and peace be with you and yours.

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Love me a good camp 🔥 so relaxing.

Posted using Partiko Android

So good huh? I need one soon...Experiencing campfire withdrawal symptoms. Lol.

That's a good Aussie fire there mate.

The Ganges has been quiet meditative for me of late sans fire.

Yep, there's nothing quite like a crackling fire in the Aussie bush.

How's the Ganges? A few people around I'd say right? Still, they say it has healing qualities...Just don't drink it...Might not end well.

Nothing beats a fire for calming the restless soul but I'm not convinced about the bearskin idea....perhaps of it were bare skin it might be more fun....

Hmm, bare skin ...An interesting concept. I can't say I disagree with you. 😂

I was in a retreat last two weeks and saw how difficult it is to make that fire. I would say "RESPECT" :)

I've had a lot of practice at campfire-making. I could probably make one under water. Lol.

What was the retreat? Sounds interesting.

Howdy sir galenkp! I agree, I love fires, making them, tending them and hanging around them, especially at night.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.

Fuck off.

Sorry, that was rude of me.

Fuck off, please.

You are devil

You're not doing good though...You're making a nuisance of yourself by spamming your message onto everyone's posts. You preach the good word but don't even have the common decency to make a relevant comment on the posts you spam onto.

Whatever good you hope to do is being undone by your incessant spamming and it is not appreciated.

Your spam will never find a home on my posts and I will continue to downvote it, as I have with your other accounts, if I see it.

My advice is to change tactics...You may still not gain any traction, but you will do less harm and maybe find some solace in the fact you're doing the right thing

Find it within yourself to cease and desist, or pray to your God for the strength and fortitude to do the right thing and stop your religious spam.

I appreciate your comment here, however I fear it is disingenuous...See how you have damaged any hope of credibility?

What he said. Fuckety fuck fuck off. How many downvotes do you need to get the hint??