Your negativity - A denial

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

No, we're not the positive and negative ends of magnets attracted together, your negativity and I. We are not cheese and fine wine, two people meeting in a warm embrace or the most delicate of fragrances sprayed onto the neck of a lovely woman.

We don't belong, your negativity and I, and are not familiar. We don't feel right, like warm mulled wine and a crackling fire on a wintery night or laying in summer grasses caressed by the breeze, serenaded by the birds.

We are strangers and I like it that way.

We will never be friends, your negativity and I, and that's of great comfort to me. Your negativity is like nothing to me, nothing but a malodorous stench; Like the smell of decay and rot on a battlefield.

It will find no welcome here, your negativity, no fissure to cling to, no gap to infiltrate, no safe harbour or secure purchase. It will float by unnoticed but for the light wrinkling of my nose as I catch its foul stench, and the thought in my mind that it's better yours than mine. Your negativity. im src

Better that you embrace it, your negativity, that you hoard it greedily to you like a miser his wealth. Don't be generous with it. Own it yourself, hold it closely and be the dim, cold winter that knows not when to end, the season that annul's the light and warmth of positivity. Clutch it in your cold skeletal hands like dead trees clutch to winters' ice, and rejoice loudly like the howling wind on the frozen tundra.

Sow the seeds of dissent and reap their decayed harvest, but sow them within yourself for they are not welcome here. Spread your foul word, that putrescent, fetid hopelessness, but know that it will find no fertile soil except within yourself and your barren fields of woe. Let your negativity languish in the cold, dark places deep within yourself that it doesn't sicken the world without.

I deny your negativity, cast it aside to fall away forgotten, trodden underfoot, left to die alone and lonely, unwanted and unloved. I repel it, your negativity and banish it from existence because there is no room for it in my house and I want it not. It's your's, your negativity, so keep it, nurture and love it because as long as you do, it's all you'll ever have.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

This is a #showcase-sunday post, as initiated by #nonameslefttouse - Reworked from the original.

I wrote this with a particular person in mind at the time, however it applies to all negative people, as far as I'm concerned anyway.


Hello dear friend @galenkp if something is clear that you are positive and reject negative people, and so it should be. I'm sorry I came across one of you.

I am outraged by negative people and throughout my 52 year I have come across a lot, but only for a short period of time, I do not tolerate them and I let them know.

I am to help people to improve their aspects of life, but with the negatives I do not want to invest, much less waste time

It seems ridiculous to be or waste time in something that is not to your liking and to be denying and spreading negativity all the time.

I wish you an excellent weekend

Negativity is a plague, it spreads easily if one allows it and so I deny it, close off to it and shun those who seek to spread it to me. It's just how I am and seems to have worked so far. I think I'll continue to be this way as it has allowed me to move forward confidently and seek the ideal version of my life I desire.

Thanks for your comment and I wish you a good weekend also.

Sounds like it belongs in a Shakespearean tragedy as a soliloquy XP

Or I suppose any play after that but before maybe 1920 :D

Haha, yeah I wrote it after someone pissed me off with some negativity on steem. Gave me the shits so I sent a message. They read it too. Lol. I'm not sure if they knew it was for them though.

You'll know if they wrote a reply wholeheartedly agreeing with you :)

Yep, I can't recall if that happened although it would have been awesome! I must have been quite pissed off with that person to write this, but now I can't actually recall who it was. Someone I've removed from my life like the cancer they were I guess.

Even in bad times, you have to be positive and if not, in any case, keep away those who are not. It is a polluting energy that is best kept far away so that it does not splash you. Excellent your writing, moving away the bad we always win. Thanks for sharing. I wish you a nice week, dear @galenkp, it's always a pleasure to read you. A hug for you

Hi Mary, yes negativity from others can be very damaging to a person. This is why I'm not on Facebook, or any of those social media apps. I find them extremely negative, among other things as well. I cut negativity out where I can and am pretty brutal in doing so. No remorse...The negativity is simply gone, the event, person etc.