Why we must put our differences away.

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

Image was designed by me using Canva

Have you ever wondered what the world would have looked like if humans has no difference?

Imagine we all have one language, the same skin color, nose shape, height, thinking ability, personality and any other thing you can think of as a difference, what would the works look like?

I really don't know what it will look like but I feel like it's going to be a very boring world because we are all going to be seeing the same person just like us every day of our life, no differences, nothing exciting, it will definitely be boring.

If we are paying attention to other natural things like us, we will understand that every animal or plant has their differences which makes them unique. A lot of humans understand these differences but still don't see any reason to embrace other humans uniqueness while some don't even see the difference as anything good because they think they are perfect, they think anyone who doesn't look, think or behave like them doesn't deserve to live.

The truth about our uniqueness is that we are different for a purpose, every human difference adds value to the world but those values won't be seen because we don't embrace our differences.

Embracing our differences is compulsory but we have been doing otherwise for ages and it is why the world is what it is right now. The world is full of hate today because we can't embrace our differences, I can tell that the world would have been a better place if we take a positive approach toward our differences in the world.


Earlier today, I was reading a Filipino writer's article and I smiled while reading because of their culture, they have a beautiful culture that I will love to enjoy physically. After reading, I thought about how our differences can be combined to make the world a beautiful place, not in terms of infrastructure or having a beautiful landscape. Our difference can make the world a better place if we start having a healthy relationships which will put a complete end to any form of discrimination.

We think this is impossible but Hive has made embracing our differences realistic and that's why the platform keeps excelling from time to time.

On hive, there are users from various parts of the world who interacts and engage with one another. The interaction has promoted a good relationship between people and it amazes me how people even trust other users on the platform when they haven't even met them before.

Embracing one another difference is not something impossible as many people think, it is very possible but we are just not ready to do it. Many of us are still obsessed with the feeling of being better than others, the world won't see a way through if we don't bury the idea of discrimination.

Racism and discrimination won't do the world a pinch of good. Love won't have a place to stay in the world with these things so how do we make the world a better place without love?

It is easy to blame the politicians for the current state of the world, they are this and that but have we thought of what we are doing to ruin world peace?

If you have seen the movie titled "13 lives", you will be able to understand more about how putting our differences aside can help the situation of the world.

In an attempt to rescue thirteen kids who were trapped in a flooded cave, some English divers and many others came together to help the kids but the Thai navy seal wasn't ready to cooperate because they felt they were enough but things escalated to the worst point and they had no choice than to work with the volunteers who came from across the world and they were able to save the kids.

This is a true-life story and it clearly tells us how much hindrance holding on to our differences can cause us as an individual, group, or even the world as a whole.


We are definitely going to be doing great and we just need to do one thing which is to put our differences aside.