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RE: It's Now Official: Coronavirus Took My Job (For Now)

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Hey, @revisesociology.

I'm sure there are plenty of us who are already unemployed/underemployed, etc., or who are on the cusp of being so. It certainly doesn't take long, and those businesses who are looking to survive will need to do something in the interim. Temporary layoffs could be the saving grace, or it could be the tip of the iceberg.

It was clear to me before, now I'm just painfully aware of it, that this crypto experiment we're in is essential to the ongoing survival of humanity. The only thing is, as long as actual governments and borders exist, there's nowhere in the outside world for this digital world to actually thrive and succeed. Those all need to come down, and I don't think they will without a huge fight. Rather, they seem to be heading in the opposite direction entirely.

I should also say I wish you well with your self-employment and your eco-village move. I've had a desire for decades now to do something fairly similar—more like homesteading—but I couldn't really convince my wife of it. Now, we're both getting old enough where the idea of starting over and putting in a lot of physical hard work is pretty daunting. :)