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RE: It's Now Official: Coronavirus Took My Job (For Now)

in OCD5 years ago

Hey, @carlgnash.

I'm sorry to here about your wife and her friend. I'm sure they were both looking forward to the wedding very much. I hope it all gets back on track very soon.

These series of executive orders have been messing up a lot of things, and causing a level of tension to hysteria that really is unfounded. I've been watching the number of confirmed cases creep up here, realizing that testing didn't really get rolling until over a week ago when the 'bans' started, but also realizing that for the most part, the counties hardest hit are the ones that are highest populated. Except for Lane County. Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas, along with Marion and Linn Counties (which is mainly due to a veteran's home in Lebanon) have the vast majority of the relatively small number of cases (154 of 191) of positively tested people.

More than half the counties don't even have a case yet, which means the virus wasn't spreading that much before the lockdown in the lower urban areas.

So, anyway. We'll see what this week brings I guess. Can't shut it down too much more than what we have. Locking us in our homes and having armed guards patrolling the streets is about the only recourse left.