Hey, @galenkp.
I know it seems counterintuitive to people who first arrive here that engaging on other people's posts is the way to go in the beginning. I know it was for me, or better said, I became suspicious of the advice. But, it soon became apparent that getting out there and making yourself known was about the only way—content discovery being what it is.
So, for the genuine seeker of how to do it here, eventually, they will take that to heart.
re: people not posts
While I know that's what a lot of people do, I find myself conflicted with that idea. Especially when we have a definite push within this community to have 'quality' content. You can't vote people—not exclusively, and not even primarily—if your actual aim is 'quality'.
So, we end up going round and round, needlessly, I will point out (not you and I, we as in the community :), simply because a grand faction of us is too busy policing what others are doing, in the meantime, not always tending their own store, while still others are on the opposite end doing all they can to do the least they can and still make something.
Between those two sides are the rest of us, who are earnestly trying to use the platform the way it was intended—and trying to search out things we want to read and comment and curate on.
I agree with you as usual and thanks for backing up my outbound engagement ethos as I expected most people who have been around for a while would.
With the people not posts thing I think nonames means it more generally, meaning people need to get to know the creator a little, feel they like them and are beholden to them before they feel comfortable to vote consistently. Take me with acidyo for example. I would happily vote everything he posts just because our relationship.. But I don't. I don't like (respond to) gaming stuff and so I don't vote that...but I can rely on him posting well and with relevance on many other things and so feel confident...It's because of the relationship.
I know what you mean though and agree, content needs to show value, no matter who posts it, and that value should be rewarded.
The problem arises when some see value as a magazine-quality post, something so high above normal that only a few can attain it, and others see quality as a shit post about a blurry photo of a stick-meme. Some will only see a homesteading post about growing beans as quality and others will only see a post about crypto as quality. It's all bullshit. quality is everywhere and about every topic...Provided that the right firm has been applied to the post. People need to get off their high horse and see that.
But...Having said that, they need to engage too. Yep, even those larger accounts that talk about it but never do...At least a little right?
re: ethos
It just seems like every time we find an external scapegoat for our problems, we limit our solutions and our ability to affect them. True happiness seems to lie in accepting and finding joy in the place where we're at, but always striving to be more. We improve ourselves, good things happen, one way or another, even if we're not always around to see the good we've wrought.
re: people not posts
Okay. I agree that there is a relationship involved that way, a layer of trust that the content creator is going to provide at least some posts we want to consume, and it makes it easier to understand worldviews and perspectives if we know them as well as we can when most of us will only do it via text on a screen.
re: quality
Oh, the ever elusive quality. I've read magazine articles that aren't worth the paper they're printed on. So much for that. It seems like we're always needing to meet in the middle somewhere. And I agree. While I personally try to adhere to some level of value adding with my posts, and I think many try to do that, quality isn't what we're talking about, because we have no way to measure it or define it, and really, no desire to enforce such a thing. Maybe they can do that in communities and curation trails where people join willing to uphold those standards.
re: larger accounts
Agreed. In that, we can all do a little more walking the talk. People tend to follow when there's a proper example to lead.
The thing with humans is that each one will only do what they feel is the right thing and there'll be others who disagree, or agree in equal measure. I'm sure Adolf Hitler felt like what he did was the right thing, as did his henchmen. Others disagree completely.
It's the same here and we can go back and forth consulting on this and that but it won't change most people's opinions. People are typically lazy and will seek the easy option mostly, here and in real life.
Others, like you and I, actually care and all we can do is set that good example you mention and be content knowing we have tried to be the best versions of ourselves.
Always nice chatting with you...Let's schedule in a BBQ some day and solve the world's problems. 🤔😊
Hey, @galenkp.
re: opinions
Somehow enough folks got together and decided risking it all and creating HIVE was a much better scenario than hanging around on STEEM after poking the hornet's nest and the hornets reacted like hornets.
We just all need a common enemy. A fall guy. A scapegoat. Someone we can just all heap our respective reviling on and we'll be fine. Someone or something outside of HIVE would be my choice. Maybe Justin Beiber. Or gluten. Star Wars VIII. I'm sure we could come up with something. Sigh. :)
Maybe there's too many people here who like to stir up drama to furnish their unfulfilled lives with something they perceive as interest. I don't know, but it seems there's a lot of pot-stirring. Maybe they just need to feel important because in their real-world lives they feel irrelevant. It's sad really, and I feel pity for a person who is so uninspired in life they need to stir trouble for a feeling of relevancy or to feel connected.
Having said that, some of the matters on the table now and in the past have been valid. If only we could all move in the same direction at the same time...A pipe dream I know.
I don't lament the demise of the other place at all, it happened and we just need to move on but I lament the continuance of the same behaviours here. People in positions of power will always abuse it, or use it for good and I think there's a little of each here, as in the real world.
Everyone one wants a scapegoat when in truth they need only look in the mirror because usually that king or queen of fools looking back at them is who is really responsible.