in OCD4 years ago


So yesterday I went to the bank to withdraw for my dad on reaching there the queue was somehow too long so I asked who the last person was and I was shown and I told her I was behind her just the normal thing that is always done, so on waiting I discovered that my legs couldn't carry me any longer so I opted to sit but bit before I left I told her, so I sat down fiddling with my phone and going through my Facebook feed and checking what's happening in the world.

When I was sure that my turn will soon reach being that from where i sat I could easily spot the queue, so I stood up and i walked down to the line standing exactly where I was suppose to stand, all of a sudden the man that came after I left wanted overtaking me, telling me that i was lying that I just came that time, and bedside if I came since why did I go to sit down, saying he wasn't a fool standing there and waiting for his turn, I tried to explain to him that i came earlier but just that I needed to sit since I couldn't stand for long, he was still ranting, I don't know whether it was became I am a woman that made him rant that way because I saw nothing wrong in what i did.

Well I didn't see what to tell him but I told him he was senseless.
I don't know if i was wrong or right to go and sit since I was tired of standing but yet notified the girl that was before me that i was going to sit.
Please I need your opinion, this one is beyond me🙏🙏.

I remain


Thanks for stopping by.


Queues are so stupid, they need to have those number system thingies so people can relax and chill

Seriously eeh, thanks man✌✌✌

Bank wahala can be crazy, I have nearly been beaten by someone who took my place in a queue, I don't think you're wrong.

Hmm my dear, its kinda funny the way people think or react most times.
Thanks for stopping by.

Haters gotta hate.

Hmmm sorry about the stressed,hope you were enable to withdraw the money...?

Bank is not a place for the weak. A lot of annoying people out there ready to transfer aggressions and frustrations to others. But can we really blame them? Bank queues are draining most times and it's very okay for you to have been tired, you weren't wrong at all just let it slide.

Oshey, thank uu oo