Hahaha yeah I'm well aware Steemit was much different than HIVE. I spent a good amount of time there back in the day. When I left due to computers/keybooks disappearing, I don't believe HIVE existed yet. And when I returned, Steemit was all I knew; but something seemed off and I was really excited to discover HIVE; especially because I immediately saw names I recognized from Steemit so it solved that big mystery for me as to where everyone went.
I don't see "criticism" as being a negative thing inherently, although I know many do. And I could use it! It's great to hear from people who have been here much longer than myself and get some advice. I think in the future I will be posting these in Nat Med! Once this COVID thing gets sorted out and my life gets back on track as planned I think some could start to fall under Travel. Like you said, there are certainly posts that don't seem to fall under anything! But, with time, I'll figure out where everything goes :)
And no, not my modus operandi. Again, the votes are nice, obviously, but I'm looking more to engage. Larger communities give me more hope that someone will read it- especially because of how much I write. It's never intentional and at the end I'm always thinking "god damnit I did it again no one's going to want to read this". But people like you keep proving me wrong!
I will be more deliberate as to where I post in the future with these :) This was kind of an impulse post and I just didn't know where was home for it. Seriously, I understand what you're saying! Noted for sure!
And lastly thank you so much for your encouragement! I love being here and am using my unexpected free time to try and find some more connections here. My non-blockchain social media has come down to solely Instagram, which is fun to keep up with my old friends' projects and sports clips/achievements, and things in my local community, but... obviously I can't really write there; which is what I like to do :)
Well, I'm always up for new followers on @wildtrackdreaming on Instagram :P if you are into old Landrovers bhahaaaa!!!! Instagram can be a lot of mindless scrolling - I like chatting and writing too. It's cathartic therapy. Saying that, my short comment can't match your long one - it's nearly lunchtime here and I'm starving.
Hahahah no worries at all! I'm not expecting it, I just ramble. It happens far too often.
I'll give you a follow!