A few words about unimportant things

in OCD4 years ago


After a six months break, I have to admit that I missed this blockchain. Although I stayed in touch with a significant number of people through Discord, I realized that I miss the writing. Honestly, this was my fault, because getting involved in too many projects (with more or less success) was what ruined my experience to a great extent.

And let's not forget the everyday battle between life, evil, and aliens, of course.

However, as always, after the chaos there is order and it seems that now everything will slowly fall into place. Some very important things have happened to me, among which I would definitely single out two.

I'm writing again.

After a break of almost five years, I am writing a novel again. It will be a reflection of common situations through the prism of horror. Horror is just a tool here that should strengthen the impression, and all the terror is right on the field of ordinary people. People who, through their actions and mutual relations, prove again and again that a person is capable of the worst things, just to achieve its primal goals. The difference in relation to everything I have written so far will mostly refer to a large number of autobiographical details. Stay tuned.

I defended my thesis.

One of the best experiences in my life was the defense of my Ph.D. thesis. It is about exploring participatory concepts that can contribute to a better life in responsive cities. Research provided a deeper understanding of current participation potentials and problems in urban planning. It also pointed to innovative tools and channels, as well as future development directions that could provide better solutions for participatory actions in an online environment.

All in all, 2020 is not that bad for me. How was it for you? Stay safe :-)

Image source: Pexels


All in all, 2020 is not that bad for me. How was it for you?

There is a full diary below the text in every of my posts dedicated to ‘Coronavirus Hoax, with a plenty of evidences since March 2nd, about that, @hidden84.

It’s only logical for you to come back, @hidden84. This year has surpassed all your horror stories, and pushed Orwell into a dark corner. Or to paraphrase Rilke:

Who’s idealess now, will for long stay like that

Welcome back! 😄

All in all, 2020 is not that bad for me. How was it for you?

Испод текста у сваком од мојих постова посвећених ‘Коронапревари’, налази се цео дневник, са пуно доказа о томе још од од 2. марта, @hidden84.

Сасвим је логично што се враћаш, @hidden84. Ова је година надмашила све твоје хорор приче, и гурнула Орвела у запећак. Или да парафразирам Рилкеа:

Ко идеју сад нема, тај је стећи неће

Добро нам дошао назад! 😄

Great to see you here @lighteye :-)

Moraću pročitati blog, eto meni taman materijala za vikend. Nisam čestito gledao šta se ovde dešava bukvalno od marta.