Shooting range in Phuket, Thailand

in OCD3 years ago


While we were in Phuket, Thailand, we looked for a shooting range in the island just to try it out. It wasn't hard to find since there's one in Bangla road in Patong which is a heavy tourist area.

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Since I know nothing about guns, @acidyo chose whatever is low caliber since it's like good for beginners. It was 1,200 for 20 bullets.

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They have a lot of guns in their display but apparently that's just for display only lol. There was not much selection for actual use.

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As a shooting range that mostly caters beginners and people who knew nothing at all (since they are in a heavy tourist area), I expected them to give us a briefing even just for basic safety rules. They didn't. It was a red flag already for a shooting range. lol

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This was my first time to shoot a gun so I literally have no idea. I have carried some guns before (to take pics lol) in some military exhibitions and shit but this was really light compared to those. I don't know how the recoil would be or some shit lol but I prepared myself just in case.

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The instructor taught us how to hold it and to look at the target and to fire it whenever I'm ready but other than that, nothing else really lol. It was like visiting a cliff in a beach and the tour guide just told you to jump even when you don't know how to swim. xD

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This was my target. Even though it was my first time, I was lucky enough to shoot inside the circle haha. My dad who's a retired Navy told me I am considered a sharpshooter for that. B-) Not sure how true lol.

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This was Acid's. :D

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It was a good experience although I wouldn't recommend it. Safety wasn't a serious thing here and someone could just easily point it to someone else (as a joke or whatever) and accidentally shoot someone. It's not worth the risk.


Too bad the sights of the gun were not really adjusted properly else they would have most likely landed a lot closer to the middle target which you were aiming for.

PS. two of my shots were aimed at the head. :P

They had a 50% discount if you got a high score so I guess they did that so you won’t get any :p scammers xD

1 aimed at the head 1 at the dick :D

Nice, this time we get a back view, and half face masked photo of acid. Seems like he's becoming less camera shy. And I see he even got himself a job at the shooting range 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Lmao yeah he was also able to shapeshift quite fast! :p

Too bad they didn't have the security measures you expected.
Having a gun and firing it is super exciting. Even more so if it's one of those guns I see in your hands.

In Venezuela almost all the high school graduates of the Republic have fired a gun just like you did. We are prepared with the basics in theory and practice. We attend military camps where we do the relevant rehearsals and practices as if we were military officers. It is a subject within the educational curriculum.

In my hands was an F.A.L., I shot it several times for free 🤭 using blanks I think they call them. I didn't really learn much, but I did enjoy firing the weapon. I was left with a small bruise on my shoulder as a souvenir for a few days.

I'm very happy for you. You had a very exciting experience. If the target was @acidyo it's a good thing it wasn't that accurate.

Very exciting! Especially seeing your score and how well you did. :D It was the same excitement when I did darts even though it was ages ago when I last played it.

Oh cool! I've never tried it. Only a few courses in college require the military training as part of the curriculum.

Lol how nice it is to practice for free. Worth the bruise XD

If the target was @acidyo it's a good thing it wasn't that accurate.

Lol probably use another weapon for him... :D

I have also played darts, but with my children's toys 😁




We here in the Philippines had such military training in our high school (CAT) and college (ROTC) curriculums too. Completing it automatically made us Army reservists.

Excellent. Here it is only for one year in high school. In the universities it is not included in the curriculum unless we study a military career.

Looks super fun! I picked up one of these super short barreled shotguns a few years ago. I haven't taken it to the range often, but its amazing what they were able to engineer in to this little package.

howdy, looks awesome. the only gun i had tried is for paintball

Ohh I heard that's fun too! I wanna try it as well, would be fun to shoot your friends without actually hurting them lol

Nice SIG 556. And I thought you shot and disassembled an M-16 in ROTC.

Hahah. No, I only did NSTP in college since they don't require it for art students in my school at least. I wanted to experience it though lol

Ah! I must have mistaken you for someone else from down there. 😁 😂

Nice. If you guys come here to the US, we can go shooting up in the mountains.
