What if you read all books on sex, would you be able to experience it just by reading what the writers felt? What about food? Can you make a vegetarian understand how non-veg food tastes by making them read about it or listening to someone's explanation of it? Or can you make anyone understand by text or speech, how pizza, burger or anything else tastes if they have never tasted it?
Seems impossible, isn't it? Then why do people read books and articles to know about spirituality or meditation? Spirituality can not be understood by reading. It has to be experienced. Some truth-seekers try gaining as much knowledge as possible in the pursuit of knowing the truth. We all know that the path towards moksha or getting one with the universe can only be achieved by meditating but we meditate only when we find peace there at troublesome times.
Isn't it weird that we find peace just by sitting and doing nothing at all? Isn't it weird how doing nothing at all has become the toughest task in this era. Isn't it weird that being thoughtless gives us immense peace & achieving the same gives us immense irritation? Because we are unaware of the most crucial point while meditating!!
For not doing anything at all, we need to 'not be anyone at all'. Until and unless you will think that 'you' will have to become thoughtless, it will fire up your ego, your 'mein' and the point of spirituality is to know the spirit, not yourself, because there is no you! To know the spirit, you will have to stop being this body and this mind !! You will have to give it all up in the hands of your spirit and forget your own existence. Only then you can achieve thoughtlessness.
But how to do all this can not be understood at the level of your mind. Our mind can only understand whatever it can sense through its 5 sense organs. None of these 5 organs can see, listen, smell, feel or taste the spirit. Therefore you need to first step deep into meditation to open your 6th sense of intuition which can sense, understand and then know the spirit!
You can read about the techniques, yes, to know where to take support from, you can listen to other people's experiences, yes, to keep yourself consistent and motivated but you can not feel anything just by reading about spirituality. People talk about getting peace, nirvana, overcoming their ego, fear, jealousy etc after practising meditation and they ask you to stop running after things, people, stop fearing, trying to be in the present, not get jealous, not to have negative thoughts, not to do this, not to do that but these are not the paths to enlightenment. These are the 'end results' of enlightenment.
We people are trying to start from the end to get to at least know what it is, to at least be able to feel it. Though, it's not impossible to uncover something if you start from the end. But it is for sure a very long path & also a hard one to be understood. For example:- if you watch Avengers first without watching Iron Man, Thor, Spider-man, Hulk, Captain America etc, you can still understand the gist of it. By watching all of it backwards you can still connect the dots in the end but you can not 'feel' it the way another person would, who has watched the story of all the other superheroes from the beginning.
If you watch a film series backwards, you will remain confused half the time, you will have to re-watch some parts again and again & instead of enjoying the movie you will get frustrated. You might even leave it in the middle & try forgetting about it. A product made for entertainment would instead feel like a hell lot of work.
That is the case with most of the types & forms of meditations in the world. They are trying to make people walk the path backwards. That is why it has actually become a very long path to reach enlightenment or awakening whereas it is not so. If you play sports instead of paying money and pushing weights in the gym, being fit actually becomes a source of enjoyment instead of a state of immense austere & struggle.
Similarly, the real meditation is not at all tough, it is a joy ride instead. Meditation is not a task, it is a state of living. All that you should know is the right technique. Instead of knowing what will happen after you practice it, like attaining thoughtlessness etc, try knowing 'how' to practice it & again, not from a wrong source!!
There are so many vultures sitting out there, ready to eat you out. Some of the gurus are fraud, some want your money, some, some wants their ego fulfilled by showing off their knowledge and trying to feel superior by teaching new learners, some are themselves trapped in confusion, some have half-knowledge, which is highly dangerous & some of them don't want you to get awakened because this will stop you from running unnecessarily considering life a race & thus their business will suffer.
There are people at high positions who want the public to keep sleeping because once our eyes open, we would be able to see through all their masks & catch them red-handed with their dark deeds. A dumb public is easier to control than an awakened one for the 'dominant leaderships' to rule over.
Therefore we need to first understand that true knowledge is not easy to be found in today's world. But we should also not forget that where there is a will, there is away. If you really want to be spiritual you will have to find pure guidance and the only way to find it is by surrendering to the divine power and asking for a pure guru from your heart.
Only the universe can help you in finding true guidance. Not youtube & not google. You should not follow any guru until you don't feel strongly for it. Our curiosity ends up trusting everyone who has a little knowledge about it all, but it is highly dangerous. Every day and every night, just ask it from the universe that you want to get connected to it and that you need a teacher for the same.
Now, some people expect the universe or God to be their teacher but we should not forget that the universe does everything through a source !!! If it wants to help you survive a car accident, it won't raise your car in the air through some magic, but it might instead make someone else come in between or make you take another way due to high traffic on that road etc. So the universe can guide you of course, but it also needs a source to do the same.
So finding a teacher is much more important then you think. We people believe that we can do it all on our own, but as I said in the beginning, you need to stop being anyone to reach a meditative state where you can stop doing anything and thus stop thinking anything. Believing that you can do it all on your own is firing up your sense of existence, your ego which is obviously not the spirit. Until and unless you surrender and stop trying to do things by yourself, you won't find the correct path towards spirituality.
The correct ways to meditate are so rarely available anywhere, the internet consists of all the wrong information and so does most of the so-called gurus. Now, I am not talking about the less popular teachers here. The more they are famous, the more there is a chance of them being corrupt or using it only as a business. Therefore it becomes tough to look through them.
One of the ways to judge them is if their meditation techniques take too long to show some positive results in your physical & mental health & also in your general life issues. The correct meditation techniques would start to bring real changes in your life by removing your obstacles and making you lucky, not by making you fly in the air, shift through bodies or showing you another magical plane of existence. All this is of no use for you.
The only thing meditation is useful is to mend all your mental, physical and life-related issues. It sounds impossible but it's true. Every chakra inside your spirit body relates to some physical, some mental and some life-related aspects. Each chakra balanced balances all these 3 aspects related to that specific chakra.
Other ways to check if your meditation technique is wrong, know that these people will claim to take you to either past or future. They would be able to give you mystical experiences, past life glimpses, future manifestations etc. Trying to know your past and future is going out of balance. Coming into the present moment is balance. The present moment is where there can be a correct meditation. Everything else is just your dark emotions been given a boost.
Your 'greed', 'lust', 'envy', 'jealousy', 'anxiety' pulling you to see your future, your 'dissatisfaction', 'depression', 'unwillingness' to work', 'childhood traumas', 'self-doubt' pushing you to know your past life karmas, they all seem magical but they are still 'Maya'. The point of meditation is to be able to see this Maya and enjoy it as a gam or a movie, not getting trapped in it!
Such wrong practices are not meditations but tantric/black magic. They are highly dangerous as they have many side effects while keeping you trapped in the wrong desires.
So if you are one of those people whom spirituality calls now and then, who meditate daily, who have a pure desire to find the truth about yourself, then start sending messages to the universe right now to bring you a correct teacher & seek for balance, not magical experiences like astral projections, telekinesis, teleportation etc. And the most important sign to have found your guru is that they won't charge money from you and would be really simple people.
All the best in finding your truth.
(If someone wants to connect to me to learn the correct forms of meditation, they can contact me on Instagram or facebook. It is completely free of cost. Links to my social sites can be found on the topmost right corner of my website.)