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RE: Backscratching

in OCD4 years ago

I created a trail account for Hive Believer on Auto-Vote, but I didn’t see it the way that you draw the picture here.

I created the account because I thought there might be people who have verified that they like my curations. This, to me, is akin to when someone likes enough same movies than we will trust their recommendations.

When I first found auto vote, I set up a handful of creator accounts and trails that I trust my votes to go to.

Very quickly, I paused almost all my auto votes (with a few exceptions for reasons of supporting others).

I think auto vote is great if I’m unwell or going on vacation, but I didn’t like the lack of control. I didn’t like my power falling fast before I got the chance to manually curate.I like cruising Hive to actually see what amazing content is created.

So even though I’m not using auto vote excessively and I think I’m only following one trail, I still have Hive Believer as a trail. I manually curate every day so those who follow my trail are not just voting for the same accounts again and over.

I don’t want people to follow my trail if they don’t like the content I curate, or don’t trust me. When I reblog I am very particular as to my choices; they must be things I personally like, I believe others will like, is good content in some way, the creator should have more exposure, it will benefit Hive, and most of all- will benefit the creator.

Maybe I’m seeing this all wrong.
I don’t think I am.

Perspective can change everything.


This isn't just about autovotes, there can be good autovotes, this is about the backscratcher autovote specifically as it only focuses on votetrading.

That makes sense. Seems that I hyper focused on a particular part of your statement and not the full picture.


I’ve been using “activities” tab to try to avoid accounts that don’t appear to care about Hive or other people. It’s shocking what I’ve seen.

(Sorry for the misreading)