New communities are sprouting like mushrooms after the monsoonal rains, and we LOVE showing off and highlighting all of the diversity and magic of Hive community.
Today, @HiveLift is shining the spotlight on:
Financial Markets Community
It is brand-spankin'-paint-still-wet new! And looking for subscribers, content & engagement to get some sweet Hive honey flowing.
Subscribers: 6
Active Users: 2Community owner & admin: @yellowdoodle
News & articles on Cryptocurrencies, Stock Markets, Commodities, Forex. Trading Strategies, Economic theories welcomed.
A community where one can post news and articles on Cryptocurrencies, Global Financial markets , Commodities, Forex, Trading Strategies and Economics.
Also articles on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), Keynesian Economics and the likes are allowed to be debated here.
- Post original content.
- Ideal post length more than 500 words (not mandatory)
- Upvote and comment on at least 2 others posts from the community (optional)
- Make sure your post adds some value to the reader.
- Make use of keywords and headlines appropriately(SEO) so that post may show up in google search.
QUESTIONSIntroduce Yourself Post. So far he's proven to have a quirky sense of humour and is great at engagement. And very active on twitter.So, @HiveLift asked @yellowdoodle some about the new comunity. If you missed @yellowdoodle's splash into the Hive community recently, here's his

Financial Markets Community
1. What exactly do your want your new community's focus to be?
Answer: I want people to post articles on business, economy, financial markets, crypto, markets, commodites, forex markets and even post trading strategies for various trades across sectors I mentioned. I also want them to post articles on economics like Modern Monetary Theory, Supply Demand Economics, Fintech on Blockchain, Investment Management stategies, interest rates, Central banking etc.
2. What sort of people hang out there and what kind of content would you invite people to post from there?
Answer: I need the intellectual High IQ people to hand out and post in my community. I Want them to post their insights and future outlook of sectrors based on their experience. People should gain some knowledge out of it.
3. Any special rules or things people should know?
I would ideally want articles and post longer than 500 words and write original well researched long shelf like articel with basic SEO for google search
4. Can you name 5 Hivers you'd specifically like to invite to your community?
Answer: I am very new here and I would not know whom to invite. Wishful thinking would be that I would like people from mainstream research wings like SeekingAlpha, ZeroHedge, etc to join HIVE and post in my community and also promotors of people in blockchain who are making financial products like legacy markets. For Example people creating index funds or ETF / mutual funds on blockchain
5. A total Hive Newbie looks at your new comunity, and Leo Finance: how would you explain the differences?
Answer: I would like a 50/50 ratio between legacy markets and crypto markets for posts, plus would like to have long well researched shareable articles that add value to the reader and I would ideally like to see them post once in a while not daily, but write and post research. Also LeoFinance is doing a good job and has opened up space for more finance related communities.
Subscribe, post, comment, engage.
Shameless plug: please follow the @HiveLift account & support our initiaitve to lift one another, and the Hive platform, up. Delegations welcome to uplift underalued content. If you have ideas @HiveLift can help you with, please be in touch.

Find us on twitter @HiveLift

With Leo finance being so well established, it's not going to be easy to bring another finance community into people's awareness. So far, the content mentioned that the community would like to see is content that fits Leo finance too. What can the Financial Markets community offer to entice Hivers to use it that Leo doesn't have, @yellowdoodle?
Damn fine question @minismallholding - we await @yellowdoodle to wake up & apply coffee.... !ENGAGE 15
Or a cuppa tea! 😉 Sorry, is my English showing?
Just had one big glass of frappe. Thank you :)
tokens.Sure, Leo Finance is a success no denying that. I will try to curate manually some writers from Twitter and personal contacts over time. The idea is again to create a financial knowledge hub... Like how there are more than 10 Photography communities here..we can have multiple communities on Finance as well. For now, there is no financial incentive from my side like a token like leo or a huge upvote. I just plan to organize nice well researched finance and economy articles. Again, my main focus is to get main stream finance people here.
Yes, there are so may photography communities! Mostly just 6 that are very active. Three of them are more specific. So many are pretty inactive. I think the difference comes in with the amount effort and persistence the founder puts in. A lot of people give up when things don't take off straight away. It can be slow enough going, even when there is no competion.
You've got a challenge ahead of you and I wish you the best. I'm going to have to knuckle down and look into financial myself soon.
Thank you :)
I feel it will be a tough sell to get people thinking
Sure it is.
If it were easy, everyone would be able to do it :)
Okay, that was confusing! Peakd glitched out again! 🤣 that was what I started writing before, changed to what I wrote, then only that showed in the preview. I guess it decided to post it!