Hello everyone welcome to my blog where you get improved as you read along, i still remain your lovely host @lordwealth, giving you the juice with words.
Happy weekend, i trust you had a successful week.
Amazing is the fact that i went on the net to find images to describe habits and all i was bomboarded with where images of drugs, cigarette, cocaine, for the more graphic images pornography and masturbation. I couldnt help but wonder why routines and habit has been so debased to be misconstrued as only a negative behaviour.
So much so that at the mention of habits we subconciously think of an evil or negative action that is so persuasive that we normally engage ourselves in.
How painful, we have downtrodden a very important and vital part of our humanity, as our core of existence is found in habits and routines.
We continually on a constant loop breathe in and out, that is an habit, we eat when we feel hungry that my friend is an habit, we have so repeated this habit that it has become our lifestyle.
If only we can understand this key and utilize it to the full, and i aim to help.
The most successful people all have certain habits in their daily routines. These habits help contribute to their success and can be considered good habits to form for yourself.
Our daily life walk are products of habits.
A big gratitude goes to my distant mentor(Brian Tracy) the information shared here was garnered out of the wealth of his wisdom, take out time to inculcate this habit into your life. Men like him has shown us the possibility of mastering certain keys to unlocking a fulfilling life.
Here are some routines/habits we can all choose to practise and master, they are key, i practise them and they have been so helpful as i aim for mastery.
- Plan Your Day The Night Before
Every minute spent in planning saves 10 minutes in execution. Sit down with a piece of paper and write down everything that you need to do the coming day. If for any reason you don’t do this, it should be the first thing you do every morning. When you write a list you have a track to run on.
Writing a list clarifies your thinking and goals
Writing down a list forces you to think at a higher level…
If you start working from a list you increase you output 25% each day.
One of the habits of millionaires is that they start their day working from a list.
- Set Priorities On Your List Before You Start The Day
One of the basic lessons I learnt from the book No Excuse by Brian Tracy is the 80/20 rule of life.
Work from the 80/20 rule. If you have 10 items on your list of things to do, two will be the more important than all of the other items put together.
Go down your list and answer the question, “If I were to be called out of town for a month, what are the most important tasks that I must accomplish?”
Have the goal in mind, understand and see fully the end destination and choose rightly the most important actions that will take you there, plan with those and do it first.
Once you identify these most important tasks, it brings us to the final step in starting your day.
- Complete The Most Important Task First
Begin immediately on your most important task and focus on it and only it until completion.
All success in life comes from project completion and living a life of good habits will help you complete more projects.
Practise completing a task, learn this, turn this into a habit. Success begats success, create a long line of history of success, create spectacles and example of success you can readily look back upon to gain confidence for a new project. Finishing a task as simple or little as it may seem help you achieve this.
A project with multiple tasks is called a “multi-task job”. This means that there are several smaller jobs to complete the larger job. Organize your jobs by sequence in a checklist and start on you most important project.
Complete the smaller jobs in you project, until the entire project is complete. This process is called “single handling” and it’s one of the most powerful things that you can use in managing your time. You can increase your productivity by 50% by planning, starting and completing your most important tasks every single day.
If you can develop these habits of successful people and do those three things, plan your day the night before, organize your tasks in order of importance, and complete your most important task first thing during your day. You will increase your productivity overnight.
Habits do not have to be demonized and look down on, we can change the narrative and utilize this innate ability as creatures of habit and turn success patterns into our daily lifestyle.
Thank you for reading, hope you got improved, stay tuned to my blog for more educational contents, use the comment section to tell me what you think of my write up and also for possible articles you will like to get from me. i love you
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