After the Corona Virus ended, I didn't know what to do first. Of course, if the corona is over, I thank Allah SWT for healing the corona virus outbreak. Corona virus is one of the trials that Allah Almighty gave to all of his servants so that with this trial his servant perform repentance for acts of sin that he had done before. I always pray to ask Allah SWT for this corona virus to end quickly. I feel sad about the condition of the world today, we can not go anywhere - and also maintain our health by milling ourselves at home.
A few weeks I have felt many things that can not do activities like usual when at home. But I also make new activities so that I don't feel bored during isolation at home. I used to travel with friends a lot, but today we only communicate via video calls and text messages.
I will also try to write some content going forward and share my story while at home.
Doesn't look like your photo.
that's my photo, maybe he took my photo.
Can you prove it's yours? This is the youtube account using it as thumbnail in one of its videos: