#2 - Life is a Game - Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp)

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone,
As I mentioned in the previous post, I'm just good at shading portrait images. So this time I just tried to sketch the pic of Captain Jack Sparrow. I think most of you people would have known about Jack Sparrow. I like Jack because of his character.
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Portrait of The Captain Jack Sparrow

Captain Jack:

Jack Sparrow is a character in the movie Pirates Of The Caribbean. This movie shows the adventures of Captain Jack. He is the protagonist but he always flees and he fights only when necessary. Unlike others, this character is quite different and interesting. According to me, he considers his life a game.

Live the Life:

We people can live our lives peacefully and happily. Even though Jack had problems, he found many ways to solve and escape from the problem like a sports player. We can follow him, but every person should live in their own way to achieve in their lives.

Step 1:

Trace or shade the outline of the picture.
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Outline without any shading

Step 2:

Shade the hair, beard, and mustache.
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Shade hair, mustache, beard,etc....

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Step 3 :

Give life to the picture by giving shade in the required places (eyes, cheeks, nose, etc....)
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The portrait is completed