Minuman Herbal - Herbal Drink [Indonesian-English]

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

Hai Semua,apa kabar?,,,Semoga pada sehat2 yaa....
Sejak pandemi yg ke-2 ini aku sll bikin minuman yg terbuat dr campuran jahe, kunyit,& serei/sereh jg jeruk nipis atw boleh jg jeruk lemon,inilah diantara manfaat'y;
1.Jahe: anti kanker,anti oksidan,pelancar BAB,mual,masuk angin,pembuang lendir,penguat sistem imun
2.Kunyit :di dalam'y terdapat senyawa anti aging,anti kanker,anti kolesterol,pembersih darah,anti asam urat,penguat imun
3.Serei/sereh:meningkatkan imunitas tubuh,melegakan saluran nafas,meredakan flu,membuang lendir,menguatkan pencernaan,kaya anti oksidan
4.jeruk nipis: berlimpah vitamin dan mineral,sumber anti oksidan,meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh,mengurangi lemak dalam tubuh dan menyehatkan kulit.
minuman ini menjadi pilihan paling top di masa pandemi ini,minuman ini jg menjadi minuman favorit aku,aku biasa minum pagi hari sesudah sarapan,sambil berjemur minum ini hangat2 hmmmm hangat2 asam gimanaaa gitu,,,,
kita coba yuu giman bikin'y...


  • Jahe merah kira seukuran 2jempol tangan,pake jahe putih jg bisa ya,aku pake jahe merah krn manfaat'y 2 kali lipat dr jahe putih dan rasa'y jg lebih pedas
    -Kunyit 1 ruas
    -2 batang serei/sereh
    -jeruk nipis bwt perasan aja ya,ga harus satu buah,klo ga da jeruk nipis bisa diganti jeruk lemon.Bisa jg di ganti susu kental manis ya,,sesuai selera ajah.
    -1 sendok teh gula merah,bisa jg di ganti madu,krn aku ga punya madu jdi aku pake gula merah


-siapkan semua bahan,kupas jahe merah dan kunyit,kemudian cuci bersih,sereh dan jeruk nipis jg dicuci ya
-iris semua bahan;jahe,kunyit,sereh dan jg gula merah
-siapkan panci dan isi dgn 300 ml air,masukkan semua bahan,kecuali jeruk nipis,tunggu hingga mendidih,rebus hingga 3menit,lalu mayikan api.


  • siapkan gelas,masukkan minuman tsb ke dlm gelas,jgn lupa disaring ya,,,
    diamkan hingga hangat kemudian tambahkan perasan jeruk nipis/lemon,
    minum selagi hangat,yg ga suka pake jeruk bisa diganti pake susu SKM ya..
    jdi kali ini aku bikin 2 gelas,1 gelas pake jeruk bwt aku,1 gelas lagi pake susu buat suamiku jadi'y susu jahe...
    semua'y sama2 enak fan mantap...
    aku biasa minum ini 2 kali sehari pagi dan malam,


udah tau banyak manfaat minuman ini,Tapi jgn lupa ya minum banyak air putih krn air putih itu cairan pokok yg dibutuhkan tubuh kita ....
Selamt mencoba....

Hi all, how are you?,,, Hope you are healthy....
Since this second pandemic, I've always made drinks made from a mixture of ginger, turmeric, & lemongrass, lime or lemon, here are some of the benefits;

  1. Ginger: anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, defecate, nausea, colds, mucus remover, immune system booster
  2. Turmeric: inside there are anti-aging compounds, anti-cancer, anti-cholesterol, blood purifier, anti-uric acid, immune booster
  3. Lemongrass / lemongrass: increase body immunity, relieve respiratory tract, relieve flu, remove mucus, strengthen digestion, rich in anti-oxidants
  4. Lime: abundant in vitamins and minerals, a source of anti-oxidants, increase endurance, reduce fat in the body and nourish the skin.
    this drink is the top choice during this pandemic, this drink is also my favorite drink, I usually drink it in the morning after breakfast, while in the sun this drink is warm hmmmm warm and sour, how about that,,,,
    let's try, how do we make it...
  • Red ginger is about the size of 2 thumbs, you can use white ginger too, I use red ginger because the benefits are 2 times that of white ginger and the taste is also spicier
  • Turmeric 1 segment
    -2 lemongrass stalks
    Just squeezed lime, it doesn't have to be one fruit, if you don't have lime, you can replace it with lemon. You can also replace it with sweetened condensed milk, just according to taste.
    -1 teaspoon of brown sugar, can also be replaced with honey, because I don't have honey so I use brown sugar
    -prepare all the ingredients, peel the red ginger and turmeric, then wash thoroughly, the lemongrass and lime are also washed
  • Slice all ingredients; ginger, turmeric, lemongrass and also brown sugar
    -prepare a pot and fill with 300 ml of water, put all ingredients, except lime, wait until it boils, boil for 3 minutes, then turn the heat on.
  • prepare a glass, put the drink in the glass, don't forget to filter it,,,
    let stand until warm then add lime / lemon juice,
    Drink while it's warm, if you don't like using oranges, you can replace it with milk.
    So this time I made 2 cups, 1 cup with oranges for me, another 1 cup with milk for my husband to make ginger milk...
    all of them are delicious and fresh
    I used to drink this 2 times a day morning and night,
    You already know the many benefits of this drink, but don't forget to drink lots of water because water is the main fluid that our bodies need....
    Nice try....