the consultant did not realize the blue line of text in my e-mail that changes the arrow cursor into a pointy finger when you hover over it was an actual link she could click on.
I am banging my head to the keyboard for this. For you. Because of that idiot consultant. It seems that no matter where you go, the most idiotic people seem to work in unemployment offices or places where you apply for benefits such as child support or pension. Complete twats.
I'm thinking that this all is part of a bigger plan. To get rid of people who get fed up with situations like this. Fed up with people who should help you but actually make your life more difficult. I did. I got fed up with explaining things over and over again so I became an entrepreneur. :D Now I'm just as poor but don't have to explain anyone anything anymore. And can say FU (nicely) if someone offers me a job without proper pay.
Most people don't even go to the unemployment office when they quit or lose their job for a while. Sometimes I think it's wise. The tiny (in my case) 130€ monthly support they give to the unemployed is not always worth the wrecking of nerves trying to improve yourself. (Now to think of it, though, this month's support helped me out - it arrived at the right time, when I was out of money and my kid's kindergarten bill (which is about 3/4 of the UIF support) arrived).
Entrepreneurship always sounds cool and fancy but at the same time scares the crap out of me. I don't think I have the guts to create my own company. (But you never know, I just might one day, if I have some genius idea... which probably won't happen).
I recommend being an entrepreneur to no-one. Unless you have tons and tons of money just hanging around. Or nothing else to do. Then again I still wouldn't recommend it to anyone.