What bothers me (challenge-wise) is how easy they are, no actual effort needed.
That is so true! And to add here is that what also bothers me is the amount of insignificant stuff that people actually want to see because they get depressed about the news or things in life that aren't all beautiful people or stories from rags to riches. To put it a bit black and white. Beautiful things get more likes than someone or something suffering. Sure I understand bad things make people feel bad but it's so wrong just to ignore it or just to click on so called sufferings that are made media sexy. "Help nature! Post a pic of yourself picking trash and remember the hashtag #helpnaturewithbigcompanynamehere #seemepickingtrashselfie
But then again, we can do the same thing as so many others do, post whatever we want and ignore the insignificant challenge stuff that bother us.