Oh dear, a buffoon.
You say there is no challenging viewpoint. How about...
You say its not the users fault. I say it is
So you resorted to name-calling. You must be struggling so hard to come up with a rationale to back your counter-argument. Please re-read carefully what I have initially written, you retarded fucktard. I didn't say the user is not solely at fault. I said the user is not the only one to blame. Meaning you must include those who blindly automating votes without reading a single shit. You should at least improve your reading comprehension before blabbering nonsense you don't fuckin understand
Oops triggered.
You started with the offensive presumptions that essentially I was stupid. You reap what you sow.
Try not to get too upset
This is the best bit, dont you know the thing about the internet is that the people who call people snowflakes tend to be the worst snowflakes themselves!!!
Ooo Why don't you upvote some more of your own comments!!
It's true.
Look at how triggered you have become after me disagreeing with you.
I think I will leave it there as it has become boring now.