This is what happens when you have a broken system and lazy ass stakeholders delegating their voting powers to automatically print more profit for them as they sit on their throne binge-watching "Netflix and chill" or masturbate into the nights not realizing they are hurting their own investment, granting, of course, they're in this for the long haul and not just for a quick ROI
They seem to forget that organic user engagements are as equally important as their vested interest. One cannot exist without the other, and diversity of reward earners is how you sustain a healthy community that grows together and supports each other in their never-ending journey to the top
Ask any top guru about how valuable an engaged community is to their success, and they will tell you it's everything. Neil Patel, do you see what I'm seeing? No social network is an island! Without these two critical aspects (engagements & diversity) at the center of it, the end result is what it is. Fake trending metrics and shallow interactions all point to its eventual demise as the platform runs dry of the central tenet for why it exists
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While I agree that some stakeholders don't care how they use their stake, most I think actually do, which is why so much of the curation is organic now.