The human urethral system is structured, the kidney is meant to filter wastes from the body and convert them into urine, which is then stored in the bladder, before it is transported out of the body through the urethra. Through the urethral and the private organs, urine is normally passed in a straight, undivided line and out of the body.
Before i proceed salute to my brother, boscohage
However, there could be instances where urine splits into two directions and this is known as split urine stream. The condition is often more common in men than in women and could occur as a result of certain underlying medical conditions. This implies that having a split urine stream should not be taken lightly and attention should be sort.
A few of the possible causes of the condition are examined below:
- Adhesion - this is often considered the most common cause of spilt urine stream and it refers to a situation where the edges of the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body, are temporarily stuck together, thus gumming the urethra and urine splitting into a double direction as a result. It often corrects itself within a day or two.
- Urethral stricture - this is said to occur when there is a narrowing of the urethra, caused by chronic inflammation or scar tissue which occurs due to an injury or sexually transmitted infection. Urethra stricture can also exhibit symptoms such as pain during urination and difficulty starting urination.
- Meatal stenosis - this refers to a situation in which the opening at the tip of a man's private organ experiences a partial blockage. This is believed to often occur in boys and men who underwent circumcision. Metal stenosis can also cause other symptoms which include pain and a feeling or burning sensation when urinating.
- Enlarged prostate - as men get older, the prostate gland, which is responsible for producing the fluid that gets mixed with semen often become enlarged, with the enlargement characterised by bathroom-related issues such as weak or divided urine stream, frequent urination, dribbling, and incontinence.
- Urethral polyps - the other causes described already predominantly affect boys and men, but urethral polyps are often one of the major causes of a split urine stream in some. Urethral polyps are rare in men but common in women and can make women experience difficulty aiming their urine flow in one direction, thus making urination messier.
Most cases of a split urine stream are often considered temporary when they correct themselves within a few days. However, when the symptoms do not stop, seeking medical attention is recommended as this will allow the cause to be identified and suitable treatment in the form of medication or surgery can be determined.
But be that as it may, increased consumption of certain foods is known to have positive effects on the urinary system, thus, the increased intake of such foods can significantly help the urinary system and ease up the symptoms of a split urine stream. With that in mind, below are a few foods that are good for your urinary system and which you should eat more of:
- Pears
Pears are nutritious and are highly valued for their great flavour. However, apart from that, they are also rich in fibre, an essential nutrient that is linked to improved urinary system health and whose intake can help to lessen certain symptoms of urinary problems.
Bananas are not only sweet to the taste but are also nutrient-packed. It is rich in fibre which is needed for good urinary tract health, thus helping to prevent urinary tract infections, enhancing smooth bowel movements and relieving pressure on urine flow.
- Potatoes
Potatoes are one of nature's blessings to humanity and an increased intake of them can have great effects on your urinary tract as their intake is linked to reduced bladder irritation, which often puts more pressure on the bladder.
- Eggs
Eggs are one of the nutrient-dense foods on earth due to their impressive nutrient profile. They are an excellent source of protein and are essential for overall health. They are also considered one of the least bothersome foods for those with bladder-related issues.
- Nuts
Nuts such as cashew, almonds and peanuts are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which is essential for keeping the organs and systems in the body at top conditions. They also have a great effect on the urinary system and are linked to improved bladder function.
Thanks for coming this far with me.
From your post:
Adhesion - this is often considered the most common cause of spilt urine stream and it refers to a situation where the edges of the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body, are temporarily stuck together, thus gumming the urethra and urine splitting into a double direction as a result. It often corrects itself within a day or two.
Urethral stricture - this is said to occur when there is a narrowing of the urethra, caused by chronic inflammation or scar tissue which occurs due to an injury or sexually transmitted infection. Urethra stricture can also exhibit symptoms such as pain during urination and difficulty starting urination.
Meatal stenosis - this refers to a situation in which the opening at the tip of a man's private organ experiences a partial blockage. This is believed to often occur in boys and men who underwent circumcision. Metal stenosis can also cause other symptoms which include pain and a feeling or burning sensation when urinating.
Enlarged prostate - as men get older, the prostate gland, which is responsible for producing the fluid that gets mixed with semen often become enlarged, with the enlargement characterised by bathroom-related issues such as weak or divided urine stream, frequent urination, dribbling, and incontinence.
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