I am Azubuike Michael Jackson a fashionista, cloth maker and a designer, song writer, musician and CEO Conjabeats Inc, managing director Jackazus classic home of designers.
U as introduced to the block chain, hive by #boscohage.
We sale and make clothes. First time making a cloth was awesome and memorable (woo) am a cloth maker
duo it wasn't easy as a beginner to draft and cut the fabric to be sewn also applying multiplication, subtraction, addition and division in order to get a perfect cutting. Another problem was piping a neck, which you have to form with a piece of fabric,just as in the picture.
Welcome to hive, I was awaiting your tag @jackazus...
This is just the beginning, I'd love to see your works, you mentioned being a fashionista.
Let's see lifestyle then, you still in music. Damn, it's been a long time coming.