There are so many animals in this world wereg as the ugly ones maybe safe while the beautiful ones will be very deadly.
This are a list of 10 animals if you see you should run cause they are very deadly and dangerous.
- Furry Peruvian Caterpillar
This caterpillar might look like a wig or hair drop by someone but be careful when you see and put in mind not to touch it cause the hairy part penetrate through your skin when touched and spread a toxic fluid to your body so prevent touching it but if touched it is recommended by the doctor to wash your hands immediately with soap and water and don't press the spot with force to prevent the poison from spreading fast also put ice on it after washing but if it still pains after 30 minute make sure to go to the hospital immediately.
Deathstalker Scorpion
deadliest scorpion in the world, it has caused over 75% victims of scorpion attacks but it doesn't kill adults they all fell the pain after been stumped but in children's cause the poison spread making them have a fever, coma and finally they can't breathe cause there lung will be filled up with poisonous fluid leading to death the only way to avoid been killed by this scorpion is to visit an hospital immediately.Cone Snail
fish looks like a stone see, now there are two things you need to know about this fish first if you confuse this fish as a rock it will sting you and you will lose your legs that is really bad. This fish is also an economical fish it inject it poison equal to the proportional pressing weight, the second thing is that it takes the fish to inject it poison in 0.15 seconds to the moving object or your leg to it so losing a leg is very possible so be careful when you in the sea and watch your steps.Brazilian Wandering Spider
This is the most venomous spider in the world, do you know why this spider's are called wandering spider the thing is that unlike other spiders you can find this spider in places where there is a lot of people like in your house, in your car, absolutely anywhere.
- Black Mamba
You may have heard of this snake it is a really popular snake, you know this snake is known as the most aggressive snake in the world normally experts says if you see a snake you should walk backwards slowly to Prevent getting attacked by this snake but the Black Mamba is different it will attack you on seeing you at first sight and know if you get bitting by this snake and you don't get an antidote within 30 to 50 minutes you will die cause the poison shuts down the nervous system and paralyses the victim.
- Poison Dart Frog
I know this frog looks beautiful and it hard to resist touching it but note this frog is really deadly only the skin has poison so on touching it you will be a dead man it is has it said the brightest thing is the most dangerous so don't ever think of touching any animal in the wild expecially the Dart Frog.
- Blue Ringed Octopus
This octopus is tiny but don't be deceived it really deadly it kills it victim in a very cruel way it first bites the victim and inject poisonous fluid in the bloodstream then the victim gets paralyzed in a few minutes which means they can't breathe but the only way to help someone in this case it to do artificial respiration for them till the effect of the poison wears off.
- Komodo Dragon
This guys are really good hunters they can wait for there prey for a very long time ones they detect a prey they chase it the throat out and wait for it to bleed to death most humans are very lucky cause Komodo Dragon lives in places where humans don't and they tend not to get hungry all the time.
- Box Jellyfish
This is the most dangerous animal in the world it venom kills so fast there is nothing you can do so to be safe avoid coming in contact with all jellyfish while in the ocean or sea.
This are the most dangerous animals in the world and you should avoid them with all means possible cause they can kill you easily.
This snail is so dangerous that only one drop of it venom can end 20 humans lifes, the worst thing is that there is no cure or antidote for it poison ones it stings you you are dead. This snail is also called the cigarette snail caise it poison kills you as fast as you finish a cigarette so try all means to avoid coming in