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RE: My thoughts on Voice; a Steemian's perspective!

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

The truth is probably somewhere in the middle of your two extremes, and are a bit context dependent (looking at it now is different than accounting for time passing/ evolution occurring), but I can say one thing with an ample amount of confidence: a forced schedule of shroom ingestion for all members of society would swing things sharply in the direction of @moderndayhippie s vision of how "lawlessness" would look.

The more the collective consciousness of humanity is focused to ego, the more potential there is for self-sabatoge at the mass scale. To broaden that awareness to include the insight of the true connectedness of all things matter is to severely lessen the likelihood of valuing the state of one's organism over the health of the colony and the nearly infinite line of dominoes that extend out from it in countless directions.

The beauty of seeing nature from that perspective is enough to cure most "evil", in and of itself, if my own experience(s) with this are anywhere in the ballpark of how the average individual's "journey" would unfold. Whatever evil survives it would almost certainly be met with a more intelligent and compassionate response than any of us are used to witnessing "in the real world" that we know today.