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RE: Conspiracies, Freedoms: Hypocrisy in the USA

in OCD5 years ago

Wow, this post with your comments is quite illustrative for me. I have a family living in the USA, inclusive, some with them eventually obtained citizenship; and as far as I know, one of the requirements for this was to know the declaration of fundamental rights. Now, I read that they are almost totally dead words, a big false, and a lot of hypocrisy.

I live in Venezuela and the discourse between right and the left doesn't matter to me, I understood a while ago that they are wings of the same bird. In that sense, I think that we are not so different in the background in that particular, only that it is now when the citizens of that great country begin to feel the effects of that rhetoric. Turn to see this mirror and do not fall round in siren songs.

In my opinion, at the bottom of conspiracy theories, there is a lot of misinformation orchestrated and aimed at creating divisions between people to facilitate the imposition of the agenda of the power groups, for whom the political agenda is only one more or half curtain to hide the true goals. There are those who deny and minimize the covid19 until they have a family member and friend dying for it. Meanwhile, we are all driven like sheep.

I don't know who is right, but that strange things are happening, that is undeniable.


they are wings of the same bird.

Precisely, and authoritarian regimes often mock the US and other democracies for it. While they balance on a tightrope, slowly swaying left to right over the years while making tiny tip-toes forward at a snail's pace with people on the sidelines constantly squabbling about which technique is the best to move forward, the dictatorships can plough on ahead regardless of life & liberty.

I would not doubt that many conspiracy theories that are backed by high-budget documentaries on youtube and various influencers have a hidden agenda, one that is quite direct and simple: to divide. Perhaps this is my own conspiratorial belief, though =D

And yes, from outside, the bill of rights is absurd. It only takes a cursory glance to see how much of a failure it is.