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RE: Sorry, I'm No Longer 69ing! Finally Made It To Rep 70 & Some Advice to Newcomers

in OCD5 years ago

Well well well...looky what we have here. The great sir nickyhavey can finally rest on some laurels. No wait, you can't rest because of this addiction you have. Sorry, maybe when you reach Orca.

Hey, the Barroness finally took an axe to my time online so I'm essentially out of the game except some commenting and occasional post.


Oh my God! It's Lord Janton! I was wondering why I could see a silvery haired head rolling down the street the other day, must have been yours from when Baroness wielded her axe!

Haha, there'll be no rest I don't think here even if I do reach Orca, there's always a new goal to achieve and Hive is just getting started, there's a lot to look forward to and get involved with. Hey, the price has literally sky rocketed the last 24 hours, hope that can help with the re-attachment of your head LJ?

Howdy today sir nickyhavey! Well, I plan to stay a little bit involved with Hive so I can increase my time on here down the road..maybe. lol. I will at least stop in occasionally to harass my favorite Brit!

Fingers crossed you do, I need someone to have as much as a baron wasteland of a blog to compare to than my own! As long as you don't follow Trump's instructions to drink detergent then you should be OK! I guess rednecks have their own detergent! Beer and mowercycles!

lol...sir nickyhavey! you're so funny. Your earnings are pretty decent, mine suck for my rep level. I'm lucky to earn more than $2! I thought Trump had some great advice. For you Brits! lol.
I'll be around as much as possible but the Baroness is watching me like a freaking Hawk. lol.

The earnings range a bit, some of my posts do better than others (I.e. The hive oriented ones haha) but am grateful for what I get. Even when I first started and the first cent came in, it was more than anything I got on Facebook or Twitter!

You're right it was great advice for us Brits... To ignore! At least we know he was being "sarcastic" now 😁 so you have a quota of 2 comments and that's it? The Baroness has you on her own lockdown lol!

lol..yeah 2 comments is about all I have time for now! I keep sneaking back and when she's at work I get more time in. lol.

fb and twitter. So you are an admitted social media addict. Now I understand.

Trump. Oh my gosh what a rich treasure trove of material for comics the world over! lol. I just shake my head. He's done so many great things to turn the country back from socialism and helping to restart the economy and other things...all overshadowed by his stupid, arrogant, clumsy, ridiculous, narcissistic lies and rhetoric!